Danish Red Beans

The temperature makes the cake less and less frequent, so the amount of bread and biscuits on the table starts to go up.Today's bread is called "Danish Red Bean One".The first time I saw this bread, I really liked it, it has a hard shape, it is rich in content, it is suitable for eating in the hand, the square comes from the classic bread of the hand-touch baking table, the practice is slightly changed, without using the direct method in the book, but using the old-fashioned bread method to operate. ...


Soft garlic bread

This recipe comes from a round pig, only the sugar is replaced by sugar powder.Because I prefer to eat salty and sweet bread, I made it, and it's easier. ...


Peanut butter bread

I like to eat meat, so I chose to make this bread.It's very simple to make a square from a round pig.Because I'm afraid of being interviewed with a toaster and a face.I replaced the original fine sugar with powdered sugar. ...


Los Angeles and Los Angeles

The required material is measured accurately and separately from the dry and wet material.
The dry material is poure...


Flaxseed bread

The raw material A is mixed, stirred into a cluster, fermented at room temperature for one hour, then placed in a 5°C re...


Improved caterpillar

I didn't expect that both men and women would love to eat it....


Black sesame and pumpkin bread

Pumpkin slices cooked in a rolling pot
Add 20 grams of water to the cooking machine
Black sesame is ground into ...


Cranberry bread

He likes the taste of northern Shaanxi yellow rice (also known as chickpeas) and has a strong, sweet rice flavor.I wanted to know how to make something that was sweet and not chewy, so I tried it with high-quality flour, added cranberries, made into bread, and ate it with a very strong chili pepper, and also chewy bread, very good, my colleagues ate it and felt super good to eat it. ...


Flower bread

Prepare the ingredients, it's better to leave a fifth of the whole egg juice, I forgot today, later I took another egg


Ham bread

My son used to love ham, but I haven't bought him one in a long time.Today, take the opportunity to make bread and surprise your son!...


Bacon and whole wheat

Recently, I've been obsessed with oil-free oatmeal, which I personally prefer to be soft, and bacon whole wheat oatmeal is my popular flavored salty bread, bacon seasoned with salt and black pepper, and the sugar added is to help ferment, this soft oatmeal is low on the opposite side, close to the state of not stirring.If you like low-calorie, savory, you might want to try a healthy oatmeal. ...


Medium-sized ultra-soft bread without gloves, cranberry bread without butter, and lard bread

A friend of mine had just bought an oven and wanted to make bread, so he asked me what kind of bread was the softest and best to eat.Then ask me what's in the middle...Well, to put it simply, the method is to first add the yeast to a part of the flour, knead it into a dough, make it into a seed dough, ferment it at low temperature for a few hours, then add some flour and other materials such as dried fruit, do a second fermentation and baking.Bread made with refrigerated dough is particularly soft, tastes good, and...
