A roll of meatballs

All the main ingredients before the bread maker starts and the process takes about forty minutes.
Or knead the bread...


Chocolate spread bread

I bought a bread maker and went home, and I couldn't wait to make one, and it ended in failure.It's not bad, it's mainly the smell of baking that makes you feel good, you can also try it!...


Anadama bread - the iconic bread of New England

Corn flour (100% corn flour 133% pure water) boiled the night before;
The next day, the boiled corn paste is mixed w...


Rice bread

(A) cooked white rice 200 g water 100 g (B) small sugar 120 g salt 18 g eggs 100 g milk 200 g skim milk 50 g water 200 g...


Cooked bread

(A) high starch flour 300g low sugar yeast 1g honey 50g milk 300g (B) small sugar 120g salt 18g eggs 350g animal fresh c...


Peanut butter bread

(A) high starch flour 800g low starch flour 200g black sugar 200g salt 12g milk powder 30g high sugar yeast 10g milk 100...


Oil-free, alkaline water, beer, and bread

It's too bad, it's really ugly, there's no baking soda, there's no baking salt, so it's made with table salt and soda water, and there's a big difference in the souls, the colors, and the baking soda....


Sweet potatoes

Because I like Hokkaido, and I don't have any soft cream at home, so I'm making my own recipe, so don't learn from me.I don't bake very often, but I also like to change things.There's milk at home, and it's delicious.So I replaced it with this.It is thickly fermented, with the addition of water, and is eaten with golden powder.There are half a dozen purple potatoes in the house, reminiscent of the purple potato bread of the goddess of freedom, purple potatoes are amazing, but her side dishes are big.I don't have th...


Bread in the Gulhof

The shape of this small bread is unique and beautiful, it is a crown shape made of a hollow spiral-shaped mold, making it look like you have to love it, and it tastes soft and rich in layers.Its name, I've looked at a lot of sources, it's called Fadodo! The Chinese pronunciation is also varied, Goo Goo Hoof Goo Goo Hoof ... I still like to call it Goo Hoof .Kouglof, which originated in Austria but is also native to Alsace, France, is written on the blue ribbon.The name is derived from German, meaning to make bread ...


Polish purple toast

Polish material mixed to no dry powder, covered with preservative film refrigerated my overnight 12h
Polish and main...


Bread with garlic

In my childhood memories, bread didn't have much of a place in my mind, and I think it's probably because the types of bread I used to eat were too monotonous, and all I could eat was fruit bread with a little bit of fruit paste or that sour taste without any filling.The taste is monotonous, the shape is not fancy, it doesn't appeal to small children and it's in the mood...Until, as an adult, when I first saw this garlic-scented bread in a small-sized bakery in Paris, I fell in love with it at first sight, and the ...


Cow horn bread

I've always wanted to make it by hand, but this time I've finally mastered the temperature of the oil and the surface, and I've succeeded....
