Whole wheat bread

It is a grass seed with an unpolished, gray-black shell that contains extremely high nutritional content and is a rare health food that can be called the king of rice.Its rice grains are thin and chewy.Today's healthy whole wheat rice bread...


The Story of Christmas

The traditional Stollen looks like a simple country bread, but it's actually high in oil and sugar, and although it's delicious, it's bound to make you a little worried about the high calories, so we've made this healthy, low-calorie, wine-soaked, dried spice with fresh nuts....


Fat-free whole wheat food pack

Because it's delicious, it's loved, the flour used for baking is delicious, the flour is delicate, it doesn't need to be...


Whole wheat bread

High starch flour, whole wheat flour, sugar, salt, milk powder mixed evenly.
Weight of water
Cut small pieces of...


Blueberry and sesame bread at 90 degrees

Soak the blueberries in red wine (or rum) for half a day or a day.
Pour 90 degrees of hot water into 25 grams of hig...


Natural yeast wines

Preparation: The day before baking, the nuts are sliced and prepared, the raisins are sliced and dried, and the raisins ...


Whole wheat bread

Preparing materials
Yeast flour, salt, and sugar dissolved in warm water
Dissolved yeast flour, salt, and sugar ...


Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat foods are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals needed by the human body as well as beneficial components such as coarse fiber, and eating breakfast is a timely supplement to the needs of the human body in all aspects of nutrients, which is very beneficial to health.And the thick fibers that it contains are not absorbed by the human body, and these thick fibers not only increase the feeling of fullness, but also promote defecation, which is very suitable for you during weight loss....


Low-fat sugars are good for your health - wheat germ soft pack

Mix the liquid dough one day in advance
The mixed dough is sealed, fermented at 24-26 degrees for 1 hour, placed in ...


Whole wheat bread

100% whole wheat flour, good to eat, with mashed potatoes. ...


Whole wheat flour

Loves coarse whole wheat, high in fiber and nutrition, and eats soft and tough....


Whole wheat grape bread

Take this as a gift for Mother's Day! May God bless you! 1 teaspoon of whole wheat flour: not the kind with the peel in the flour, but the whole flour ground with whole wheat, which preserves almost all the nutrients of wheat, especially minerals and dietary fiber.Studies have shown that eating more whole wheat products in women is very beneficial in preventing various breast diseases.In addition to providing heat, it also contains trace elements such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, folic acid and other min...
