Red sugar cranberries and walnuts

A nutritious and healthy soft European bag, with dried walnuts, cranberries, and a little bit of whole wheat flour, is very tasty.The baked bread has a unique aroma of red sugar, and it's one of my favorite breads!...


Red sugar whole wheat toast

Now they make all kinds of bread, mostly with red sugar, because it's good for girls.This toast is perfect for girls to eat. ...


Whole wheat bread

Sometimes I see a two-color toast on the Internet, I like it right away, I try to make it with a new baking machine, plus handmade, the result is not bad, the taste and the taste of the two-color toast, the taste is also two, the taste is rich, when breakfast, with a glass of milk, very good. ...


Low-sugar, oil-free whole wheat bread

Take your baby out to play on the weekends, there's no shortage of bread, make a whole wheat low-sugar bread, not only nutritious and delicious, but also very filling, your baby is tired of playing outdoors, eat healthy bread.Today's bread is low in sugar, no oil, not that soft, but slightly sweet, low-sugar whole wheat bread with corn flavor is also a favorite of my children, good to eat and not afraid of fat......


Ugly hot dogs

Hot dog bread, which is usually made with high-quality flour and low-quality flour, I used whole wheat flour, and without eggs, is it a little different? ...


Count's black tea and soft cheese

Divide the dough into five pieces and roll the exhaust for 10 minutes.
Open the dough in an oval shape;
After fo...


Gingerbread rolls

A sweet bread, purple potatoes for the filling, spices on the surface, making it unpalatable and impossible to eat. ...


No cranberries in the bag.

Nowadays, soft toast is popular, with a taste between soft toast and soft toast, which is softer and more flavorful than traditional soft toast, and is healthier than soft toast, with less sugar and less oil.It's delicious to eat directly, and it's even more delicious to make an open sandwich with a variety of ingredients.In particular, it is worth mentioning that the lack of frying and long-term refrigeration of fermentation seems to be very suitable for mothers who usually bring their babies, and it does not take...


Whole wheat bear toast

A whole-wheat toast with wheat flavor, full wheat flour with milk flavor, a bite and a small surprise with chestnut grains. ...


Black and soft tea

Compared to the legal stick, the soft European organization is delicate, rich in materials, and belongs to the higher-quality European package.I added black tea, proper red sugar and raisins to make it taste richer.In fact, the nutritional value of tea consists of both water-soluble and lipid-soluble parts, the latter of which is insoluble in water, no matter how many times it is drunk, it will always remain in the tea.Therefore, only drinking tea can better absorb the nutrients of tea leaves.Red tea is good for th...


Sesame and walnut toast

My mother said that this kind of bread is healthier, and when I came home, she gave me a lot of sesame, so I thought I'd make a sesame bread. ...


Yoghurt whole wheat

It's made with a baking machine, and it's easy and convenient.The whole wheat flour is a little chewy, and the yogurt makes the bread very soft. ...
