Back to nature - natural yeast carrot soup

Natural yeast 50 g + high powder 175 g + water 100 g mixed into a dough, covered with a preservative film fermented at r...


Natural yeast beer flavored with walnuts

To make the dough: 50 g of natural yeast (100% water powder ratio) + 125 g of high-fiber flour + 95 g of water, mix into...


Whole wheat bread

Vee likes to cook all kinds of food for him, and he likes to participate in my cooking, and he likes to help me with my cooking, and Vee is very interested in fresh things, and he always talks about it in front of the other kids....


Euro or pizza - a variation of natural yeast dough

The flour is mixed with water, and then the dough is kneaded, and the dough is kneaded like a rubber band that I used to play with when I was a kid, and I can knead it into whatever shape I want.In fact, the biggest pleasure is not focused on eating, but in the process of playing with the dough.A few days ago, I saw a food post that was shared by others, and one of the pictures was of a MINI thick pizza, which is actually more like a food package with a filling on top, round and thick, and especially cute and tempt...


Whole wheat bread

Mix all the materials to the complete stage.
The membrane is pulled to form a thin film.
It is wrapped in a pres...


Whole wheat bread

Except for the fruit, it's all in the wrapper.
Rub until the film can be pulled out.
Prepare fruits and vegetabl...


Peanut butter bread

The other ingredients, except peanut butter and butter, are poured into the barrel one by one, and five loaves of sweet ...


Varieties of bread

The bread machine selects eight layers of dough, in which the additives other than butter are placed in turn, and the sa...


Eggless whole wheat bread

No oil, no eggs, the more you chew, the more you can taste corn.I love this simple and healthy ingredient....


Pure handmade whole wheat bread

Recently I watched Paul Hollywood teach you how to make bread, especially the impulse to make all kinds of bread. ...


Coffee and whole wheat toast

It turns out that my choice was the right one....


A combination of refrigerated medium and liquid methods to create a salty, soft cheese, and soft bread

I often make bread, my friends say it's good, my friends say it's good, and my parents say it's bad.Ask which is not good, answer: do not bite, and which is not good, answer: not sweet.It turns out that my mother likes soft, sweet bread, her teeth are bad, my fake stick is bound to bite.In order to please the adults, I look for ways to make soft bread, but also to meet my requirements, which is that there should never be too much sugar and too much oil, otherwise it is better not to do it.After flipping through sev...
