Cranberry cookies

Gathering food, preparing everything, is the first step to your success.
Heat the butter to soften and pour the suga...


Snowman cookies

The butter is softened at room temperature, sugar powder is added, stirred with a rubber scraper, and then the butter is...


Chocolate cookies with a crispy texture

The butter is completely softened, now that the weather is hot, it is convenient to soften the butter.
Butter, sugar...


Cranberry cookies

I've heard that the recipe for this cranberry biscuit is very popular on the Internet, I've made cranberry biscuits with other recipes before, today I'm curious, let's try it with the wind! Don't say that the taste is really bad, the crispy biscuits are stuffed with sour-sweet, very vigorous cranberry biscuits, do it yourself, cranberry biscuits want to put as much as you want, that's so arbitrary~ Oh cranberry is a health fruit, in addition to being rich in vitamin C, it also contains many nutrients and antioxidan...


Cinnamon cookies

A photo of the ingredients, the sugar I just made!
The sugar powder is sifted until it is smooth and slightly whiten...


Cranberry cookies

Butter at room temperature to soften and spread into feathers
Add sugar to stir evenly
Mix the eggs evenly.


Free recipe - chocolate chip cookies without butter

Weigh all the ingredients, put the potato starch and low starch flour in the microwave for 30 seconds.
Add sugar pow...


Almond cakes

When I first saw this cake, I loved it so much, I hadn't started baking yet, so I collected it.It's a very crispy little snack made with gray-gray-sharing squares, and it's very successful the first time, and the kids and their dads love it.The crispy biscuits have an almond in the middle, the smell of milk from the biscuits and the smell of dried fruits from the almonds are cleverly combined, and the taste is particularly good. ...


Jelly biscuits

Spread one egg and take 15 grams of whole egg juice.
Add 15 grams of peanut oil and fine sugar to the whole egg solu...


Oatmeal and vegetable pie

This oatmeal and vegetable pie is arguably one of the most characteristic cookies.The use of wheat flour and vegetables gives the biscuit an attractive, garden-like aroma.The taste and smell of the biscuits are very similar to the vegetable biscuits sold in the market, but with more love and safety hygiene from the mother, it can also allow children who do not like to eat vegetables to unknowingly absorb cellulose. ...


Soya fruit energy bars

I thought the energy bar was delicious, but it was a little expensive, so I made my own.It seems that a lot of people use this to lose weight... there's sugar and there's butter, and I think the weight loss effect is debatable, but there's very little oil and sugar, and it's full of soy protein, so it's healthy and delicious....


Little Bear with the Nutcracker

Healing nuts, sitting in rows, sharing fruits, rejoicing in the new year!...
