Corn ham and cheese bread

A family favorite bread...


Peach sauce

Didn't you make a lot of peach jam the other day, seal it and put it in the fridge, it's good, the seal is good, it's better not to open it?But there are also three people in the house, open a bottle, consume a little slowly, in fact, the grandparents of the family have been accustomed to me to eat only one meal, not even eat. So after opening this peach sauce, I was really afraid to spoil it, after all, I stood on the stove and ate it slowly!...


Two in one cake toast

It's a very wonderful toast, half cake on top and half toast underneath.But cake and bread are two completely different products, but when they are combined, they also have a very strange taste, cake toast I think is more suitable for slicing, it looks like a normal toast, the top tastes very soft and creamy, the bottom part is a stronger toast, it feels very innovative, and it also looks very tempting.This recipe can be used to make two 450g boxes of toast....


Mini bowl of bread

My family loves small breads with ingredients, such as small breads with dried fruit, bean sandwiches, coconut bread, or bacon bread, and of course, mini pancakes, which can be counted among the top three. ...


Central Hokkaido

People who love baking love all kinds of molds.I'm no exception, even though I have a lot of toast molds at home, I'm willing to try different brands of molds, different brands, different baking times, different temperatures.The finished product is also slightly different.Today I tried the new model of the apprentice cook, and I thought I'd make this 100% Chinese milk Hokkaido.The apprentice cook's mold conducts heat faster than other molds, so my temperature dropped slightly by ten degrees.The time has also increa...


Beans and flowers

I've been obsessed with baking lately, this soy sauce flower bread is very popular with the family, the organization is soft, the incorporation of soy sauce is more delicious, full of happiness, I recommend, baking is a miracle for me, every time I see delicious bread coming out of the oven, happiness will come alive, believe that the person who eats will be happier, sisters, let's love food and love baking!...


Soya caterpillars

The caterpillar bread, the bean soup wrapped in it, the baby said, "Mommy, it's so cute"....


Thousand layers of bread

Go on, my carrot bread.The color of bread with carrot paste is always cheerful, delicious and eye-catching.This time I made it in a thousand layers, with a layer of salt and butter, the bread is soft, the layers are spicy, it's absolutely attractive. ...


Yellow rose cream bread

It's a pleasant, delicious and delicious bread.With a small amount of carrot coloring, add light cream for flavoring, bake the flowers of the beautiful bread flowers, at the same time, because of the effect of light cream, the bread foam, absolutely tasty.The finished product hasn't been modified too much, it's already made people love it. ...


Sausage bread

Ham and bread are a good pair, it's delicious anyway, a little bit of a simple flower shape, the kids love it.Ingredients: high flour 160 grams low flour 40 grams whole egg juice 56 grams milk 70 grams salt 1 grams starch sugar 25 grams starch dry yeast 3 grams starch butter 25 grams ingredients: sausage 5 grams starch brush the surface of the egg juice slightly starch...


Chocolate high-fiber bread

I was walking down the street with my friends, and I went to a bakery called Maize Hill, and I was very interested in the bread there, and I bought some bread, and I went back and tasted it, and I thought it tasted good, and I improved it, and I came up with this chocolate high-fiber bread, and I shared it with my friends who love food....


My favorite is coconut bread.

Coconut bread has always been one of my favorite breads, every time I go to a bakery, I can't resist the temptation to buy a bag of coconut bread online, I just saw a box of coconut bread, the original coconut bread filling had no problems I imagined, the good coconut bread sprayed, that's the taste in my memory oh!...
