Tofu bread

To make bread, I usually test the activity of the yeast in the first step, two types of yeast, one is vacuum pumped (rig...


Cranberry meal packages

Add 15 g of high-quality flour to 65 g of milk, add 10 g of sugar and stir smoothly.
The mixture is heated until the...


Romantic strawberry cheese triangle

Picking strawberries again this weekend.The feeling of eating strawberries is the taste, the sight, the pleasure.As soon as he entered the strawberry shed, a reddish-brown strawberry, like a small lantern on a green vine, greeted him with a faint sweetness, and literally sprouted.As a child, I especially liked to pick strawberries, and my mother always planted a big piece in front of the door, usually by mid-May, the strawberries began to ripen.My sister and I go to the strawberry fields every day, and the strawber...


Tofu and sandwiches

Use half of the formula to dissolve the yeast in warm water, weigh the flour, sugar, salt, milk powder, etc. and mix the...


65 degrees of coconut heart bread

The heart-shaped bread, the bright colors, the pleasant shape, I can't wait to see more.On a special day, love-filled coconut heart-shaped bread is made.The bread came out of the oven, the house was filled with the smell of coconut and milk, the golden yellow was enticing, the heart was full of joy. ...


Small meal pack of chicken soup

High-quality, low-quality, fine sand, eggs, clean water, yeast, salt, throw into the bread maker and knead into dough


Old-fashioned bread fermented at low temperature

Since the beginning of last year, the food and oil stores in the neighborhood and the small shops outside have been selling an old-fashioned bread, and one day my son said he wanted to taste it, so he bought one for the next morning, and then he passed by, and my son wanted to buy it again, and I wondered, I always make bread at home, why do I always want to go out and buy bread?So I'm not discouraged, I'm always at home baking bread, how can I let my son always think about the bread sold abroad?! Find a recipe, tr...


Chinese Hokkaido coconut bread

First try the amount of milk of the original, find less, then increase it, until you find the amount of milk suitable for your own flour.The amount of white sugar is also added on the basis of the original square, the amount of sugar can actually be reduced or increased according to your taste, but do not come into contact with salt.The bread is softer, stronger, and can be sliced by hand! My first contact with baking was with bread, but it wasn't until I found this bread that I found the feeling....


Red bean bread

I love cheese, I added it to this bread today, it tastes really good!...


Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic head contain phytoncides such as allicin, which has a strong bactericidal ability and can also prevent colds.The trace element onion is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates free radicals in the body, enhances the vitality and metabolism of cells, has anti-cancer and anti-aging properties; garlic head can also delay aging. It prevents lead poisoning: it can delay aging; its antioxidant properties are better than ginseng; people who often touch lead or have a tendency to lead poisoning eat garlic,...


Milk bread

In order not to get out of the sun, I almost always get up before six o'clock, brush my teeth and go to the grocery store.A high temperature of more than thirty degrees every day, drinking water all day and all night, and not eating enough for three meals.But I still make bread and cake almost every day because the kids love it.Although it's hot and uncomfortable, making bread is especially good.It can ferment well at room temperature for half an hour, without having to wait as long as in winter.Every time I look a...


Whole wheat flour in the East China Sea

Print a finished map
Preparation of materials
After a second rubbing of the dough, the thin film of the glove ca...
