No butter and no sugar

Eggs, corn oil, sucrose mixed evenly, (this step forgot to take a picture), add low-fiber flour and skim milk powder, th...


Cranberry cookies

Preparation of food.
The softened butter and sugar salt are mixed.
A little whiteness is enough.
Add egg jui...


Coffee and almond biscuits

The almonds are baked in the oven until they turn slightly white and yellow, and the chocolate beans are used later.


Chocolate cookies

It's nice to be at home, make cookies with the kids, finish painting with chocolate, it's fun, the kids are happy, they don't mind eating!!! It's nice to be used to greet guests!...


Cranberry cookies

I don't know when the cranberry biscuits started to become the biscuits that people who play with baking must make, today I'm going to make them too.The square comes from the king's chest. ...


The butterfly flies

The cartoon biscuits are the children's favorite, and the slight addition of black sesame seeds and egg yolk makes the biscuits even more delicious and crispy!...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

Baking: Middle layer on 170 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes (about 20 pieces)...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

Butter softened, sugar added, white powdered sugar stirred evenly
Add 1 tablespoon of whole egg juice, stir evenly, ...


The little lion is a two-color cookie.

Not remembering where he had seen the model before, and relying on vague memories to recreate it, a certain Hansen had to say that the expressions of the little lions were very similar to those of the recent hot Doge.I don't want to admit it, but if you look closely, it's a bit like that!It's nice to see that Doge's little lion biscuits taste so good, my little friends should love them too!...


Cinnamon cookies

It's the simplest but tasty cookie in the world....


Cranberry cookies and cookies

Prepare the materials.
Butter is softened at room temperature and cut into small granules.
Add sugar powder to s...


Cranberry cookies

This cookie doesn't need to be shipped, it has a low failure rate, it's perfect for beginners, and it's the first time I've baked it....
