Sugar cookies

This biscuit is remembered for hours to be eaten, when I was a child I remember the happiest thing was to be able to eat some small snacks, but sugar biscuits because there is no clamp, no filling, only the surface is decorated with sugar, although very simple, but very spicy, so to this day I often remember, nowadays there are many varieties of biscuits, different flavors, added spices to different flavors, added additives to facilitate preservation.It's always scary when you eat it.Food safety is our national con...


Carrot and almond cake

I'm excited to see how enthusiastically you've been baking lately, because you've all done a great job.If there are two hours of free time in the evening, the piglet will go to the kitchen and make something new.This time I made a caramel almond cake that every child will love, a crispy cookie base, a sweet caramel almond cake, so that every child can't resist the temptation.The baby pigs are more loving, tasting one piece at a time....


Cranberry cookies

It's too sweet, and I'm not really used to such sweet cookies, so I've reduced the amount of sugar to ensure that the taste is only moderate....


Customized wedding cream biscuits

This is my sister in her wedding dress.
Designed in the style of a wedding dress
Print a picture of a wedding co...


Kitty cat biscuits

Preparation materials: unsalted butter 50 g starch powder 30 g starch whole egg solution 30 g starch low starch flour 13...


Cranberry cookies

There seems to be no shortage of cranberry biscuits on the roadside...I've made some changes based on my family's tastes...This cookie is sour, sweet, spicy, delicious, simple and easy to make, thank you for sharing....


Peanut chocolate bars

Cutting small grains of butter at room temperature
Add sugar powder and whole egg juice
Stir evenly


The bear cookie.

Preparation of raw materials, mold preparation
Butter softening
Add sugar powder to whiten, and add egg juice to...


Tea and karaoke dogs

Put the low-fat flour and sugar powder in the bowl after sifting
Butter in the form of feathers
Mixed with fresh...


Cranberry cookies

This recipe is exactly 18 pieces.The nine-liter oven has to bake two plates, one plate nine pieces.The non-stick paper can be used repeatedly, and baking two plates is absolutely no problem!...


Small almonds

Big P's enthusiasm for baking comes from the fact that when I used to be around him, I always knew that he was too enthusiastic, I always wanted to support him, I was afraid of being disrupted by the rhythm, and then I lost three or four, eight years later, as this guy grew up, slowly he was able to help a little bit in the things of the scene, such as passing an egg, helping to take a bowl, pressing a plate, so, oh, think about it, since the child likes to play with me, let him join!...


It was simple, zero failures, cranberry cookies.

Beginner baking is a must, simple and easy to do, zero failures, can greatly increase the confidence of beginners...
