Cream and cranberry bread

Start the baking machine and knead the dough for 20 minutes with butter, cranberry, and cream.
Add butter (cut as th...


French crepe bread

It's a very emotional bread, the skin is soft, the inside is sweet, and the style is beautiful.I've made it twice, the first time it was plain bread, this time I modified the square, put in the yogurt filling, it's very good to eat. ...


Soy sauce and bread rolls

This type of bread is soft, fragrant, and sweet, and is based on the soybean sand roll bread of the Yangtze River.Red beans and potatoes are all hard-earned by the mother, used to make fillings, representing the mother's heart, the outer skin is soft, the inside is filled with sweetness, and the mother eats more good food than she bought outside.I'm really ashamed and relieved that my mother is a little bit satisfied. ...


Beans and flowers

Every time you make eggs, you have protein left over, so what do you do with it? Making bread is one of the best ways to get rid of it.The most feared thing about trying to shape is to be damaged, you can't make the grill smaller, you end up squeezing it, the flower shape doesn't look so good, but you eat it at home, the important thing is taste and health.Small changes are also a mood. ...


Walnut bread

The story behind this dish: the role of walnuts: the phosphorus in walnuts, has a good health effect on the brain nerves, walnut oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, has anti-arteriosclerosis effects, walnut seeds contain trace elements such as zinc, manganese, and chromium, which are essential for the human body.In winter, it is very effective in treating chronic bronchitis and asthma patients, and in winter it can also moisturize the skin and beauty, as can be seen by regular consumption of walnuts, both healthy...


Tofu bread

There are many varieties of bread on the market today.I remember when I was a kid, the most common thing was that old-fashioned bread with nothing added, and in elementary school, it was two cents a loaf.And then there's the tofu sandwich, which not only looks beautiful, but the tofu filling is especially delicious.Every time my mother went to the county town, she would bring us some back, and the joy was indescribable.Nowadays, bean sandwiches are still common, and the smooth, sweet filling is still so tempting, u...


Hamburgers and New Orleans roast chicken legs

I used to love hamburgers when I was a kid, but I've rarely eaten them since I started losing weight, because fast food hamburgers are really high in calories, but I haven't eaten them for a long time, and sometimes I miss the taste, so I make them myself....


Cream bread rolls - soft and tasty

The yeast in the medium material is first dissolved in water, stirred with a chopstick, then added to the high flour and...


Four-leaf clover bread

80 grams of water plus 20 grams of flour, put the milk in a pot, stir until it is transparent, no particles, you can mat...


Honey bean bread

I've always found braids to be a bit of a hassle, so I haven't done it, and I like bread with stuffing in it, but it's not very well wrapped, but I still have to add it, and the beans are still very tasty.This is a one-time fermentation method that saves time, taste, and aging of the bread, so you can come and try it. ...


Golden cheese and cheese toast

Preparing all the intermediate materials
Mix all the ingredients evenly into a dough that can be left at room temper...


A small bag of cabbage

I especially like this way of styling, the addition of small braids makes the ordinary round bag immediately angry.When cooked, it fills the house with a fragrance that is both eye-catching and delicious. ...
