Romantic doughnut cookies

When I went shopping in college, I always bought two doughnuts from places that had doughnuts, attracted by their colorful appearance.I accidentally saw this doughnut cookie, I called it a homemade doughnut haha, it's small, it looks like a doughnut, it's perfect for gifting lovers, gifting friends, super loving.The chocolate and decorative sugar on the biscuits can be combined as desired. ...


Orange whole corn sauce

1: All the ingredients are wrapped in a wrapper, kneaded into a smooth dough, sealed with a clean container, placed in t...


Oatmeal and pineapple

Oatmeal has always been my favorite coarse grain, more often used to make oatmeal porridge, mixed with dried fruit milk and so on to eat lean and healthy.One day at home, itching hands, rubbing flour, trying to make a loaf of bread, I happened to buy a new can of oatmeal at home, flipped over the baking book, saw a pineapple bag, oh, the inspiration came, decided to make an oatmeal bag!...


The cranberry sauce

All the powdered salt is mixed and sifted, added sugar and softened butter, and rubbed by hand into coarse corn flour.


Sausage is a favorite of meat-eaters.

This recipe, which you can see online, has been changed a lot in the actual operation of the original recipe, the amount of liquid in the original recipe is too little, it is impossible to complete the dough! This sauce is very fragrant when it is hot, if there is no beach, it can be replaced with onions, onions are more moisturized, the liquid part remembers to reduce weight!...


Count Black tea toast

This toast is made with Count's tea, and it's delicious.It's great to have a cup of English black tea in the afternoon, and then a piece of toast made from black tea, with a strong aroma of tea, and a feeling of happiness that's indescribable!...


Maple carrot bread

Cut 200 grams of peeled carrots and put them in a container with 130 grams of water.
It is made into clay by cooking...


Cocoa coils

We lost another batch of molds online a while ago, and this time we made a cocoa spiral roll, which is one of the molds that we made.The square comes from Teacher Yang Meng's 100 loaves of bread.To tell you the truth, when I saw this book, I was going to do this East-East, which is wood with that mold screwdriver.I saw it on the internet a while ago, it was 11 yuan a bag, two, and the owner had four left, so I didn't hesitate to buy it.When I made this bread, I found out that I bought less...The book gives me the a...


Soft and fragrant meals

The ingredients of the main ingredient, other than butter, are placed in a container and stirred with a chopstick;


Hot dogs

A hot dog is a type of sausage.A whole-bread sandwich with hot dogs can also be called a hot dog.Hot dogs can be served with many types of ingredients, such as tomato sauce, tomato paste, mustard paste, cabbage paste, onion paste, lettuce paste, tomato paste (sliced, sliced or sliced) and pepper.I love hot dogs, so I have to go to Ikea and get two.Today's squares are consuming natural bacteria, so do it yourself. ...


Caterpillar bread

Almost every supermarket and bakery can see its shape, its shape is vivid, it attracts the eyes of children, my son told me several times to do it, but to make bread you have to rub the flour out of the thin film, commonly known as the glove film, this is the reason why I kept dragging, until two days ago I decided to make a piece of stainless steel panel at home, to start making this bread, now the weather is very suitable for bread fermentation, so this time the caterpillars are very sweet and sweet, even if you ...


Tuna cheese meal pack

All materials except butter are placed in the container, opened and processed for about 12 minutes.
Put in softened ...
