A good recipe + a good arm = a successful hamburger embryo

I've been wanting to make a hamburger, but I've made a lot of unsuccessful breads, and I can't get it up or I can't get it up, and I can't even get it out of the oven, so this time I found a good recipe, plus a strong pair of arms, and I finally made my first successful bread!...


Delicious and lovely milk-yellow snail bread

I remember making snail bread when I first started baking, and it was ugly, and it was baked over a fire.This time I made it again, and I added the butter filling in the snail's little house, and I still used my favorite corn oil, which was very successful, and the bread rolled with the butter filling was very tasty, the butter filling I made myself, I always didn't like the taste of butter, and I also avoided the excessive calories of butter, the butter filling I made with corn oil was as sweet as butter.Not only ...


Pumpkin bread

When I was a kid, I was an anti-pumpkin fighter, mostly because when I was a kid at my grandmother's house, I used to eat my grandmother's pumpkin noodles, my grandmother used to cook the night's leftovers with pumpkin noodles, and then cook them sparingly, and then I didn't sell them, and then I saw them almost every day, and then... and then I didn't... I hated pumpkins!Now I know the answer, her teeth have always been bad, so cooking and cooking are bad, but when I was a kid I didn't understand at all.Another me...


520 original coconut bread filled with roses

This is the third time I've made a loaf of bread, it's exactly 520, I want to have my own loaf of bread, try to make this loaf of bread full of love in my heart......


Cheese and cheese packages

The remaining 50 grams of cream cheese are added to the dough, and the baked bread is delicious. ...


Octopus bread

This bread is actually only the shape of a small octopus, but the inside tastes like a sausage, and a heart of meat should be worn on a bamboo stick when photographed.My aunt hasn't bought bread from outside for a long time.Our bread machine works happily almost every day.It's like I'm a good cook. ...


The boss brought a bag of pineapples.

Today's challenge is hand-scrambled soup-style pineapple bags, interspersed with direct-style and Chinese-style, soup-style bread has increased water absorption, its texture is relatively soft, elastic and slows aging.But I didn't use high-quality flour, I changed the dosage, I used the baking method! If you have a baking machine or want to challenge hand-washing, you can see the tip, I'll tell you the change in the ingredients of high-quality flour....


Super cranberries tear bread by hand

It's been a hard few days of studying, don't waste these two days!...


The bread.

The butter is softened, the whole egg juice is whitened, the milk powder is added, the white sugar is added, and finally...


Soya sandwiches

This is one of my favorite breads, it's very simple and delicious, I've made it a few times and I've always loved it, even though it's not pretty....


Ham and bread rolls

I made my own meatloaf, filled a can, no preservatives or consumed it in a hurry! So I made a lot of meatloaf ham bread, then smeared it with a layer of white sesame, it's delicious!...


Red bean bread

Materials other than butter are placed in the machine, according to the surface pattern.
After stirring evenly, add ...
