Cranberry cookies

First soften the butter, then soften the insulating water at room temperature.
Sugar powder screened
Stir evenly...


Cranberry cookies

After softening the butter, add the sugar powder and stir evenly.
Add the egg juice twice and stir evenly.
Pour ...


Cranberry cookies

Cranberry biscuits, a very simple biscuit, but it tastes great, home baking must be tried oh!! but the butter and sugar content of this biscuit is not low, remember to eat it with tea water oh~~...


Cucumbers and biscuits

It's the favorite of all of us. ...


The original cookie

When it comes to cookies, baking is both love and hate.Love its strong smell, hate its heat, and of course, cramp your hands.As a qualified eater, in addition to being good at eating, my favorite thing is to change other people's recipes, to change the appearance, to simplify and simplify, of course, it must not affect the taste, my friends around me often look for some recipes, I just want two words: simple and easy to do (you don't count, big sister?) ...


Homemade Pocky - chocolate and peanut butter biscuits

I especially like the flavor of chocolate with nuts, and I don't like sweets, but I think it's too sweet.I've always been moved by this cookie bar, and it worked really well today.I use 70% cocoa fat dark chocolate, no sweetness, with peanuts and sweet biscuit sticks, it's delicious, it's really great for afternoon tea.Don't talk, let's get to work. ...


Cinnamon cookies

Based on the recipe for cranberry biscuits, my sister likes to eat dates. ...


Cranberry cookies

When you have all the ingredients ready, you don't have to waste time looking for them.
Waterproofing of butter (not...


Cranberry biscuits with chocolate flavor

1 After softening the butter, add the sugar powder to stir evenly The butter does not need to be stirred and the sugar p...


Delicious animal cookies

Animal biscuits for my son are very popular....


Cranberry cookies

Soften the butter at room temperature with sugar powder and stir evenly (no need to stir)
Add the whole egg juice an...


Rough sugar version of the cranberry biscuit

It's the first time I've ever made a cranberry cookie, and I've heard it doesn't fail.We don't have any sugar powder, we don't have any cooking machines, so we have to make it with white sugar that my mother bought.Because my mom says the thicker the better, well, I can't argue with that. ...
