The classic cranberry biscuit

I'm also uploading my first recipe.I've made this cookie many times, and I've changed the recipe a little bit.It's all right. It's a tray. ...


Cranberry cookies

Preparation of materials
In the case of larger dried cranberries, the cranberries can be cut a little smaller.


Chocolate almond cake

Butter softened at room temperature with sugar powder
Add milk to the butter and stir the whole egg evenly.


Cinnamon cookies



Oatmeal energy bars

This energy bar is very simple, but it tastes great for a small body! Your recipe is butter, because you recently lost weight, you changed it to olive oil, but it tastes a little better!...


The cranberry cookie

Cranberries have been in demand among baking enthusiasts in recent years, and cranberry cookies are also popular.Doing it yourself is healthier and fresher. ...


Butter and biscuits

1: butter softening, add white sugar mixing evenly 2: continue adding egg juice mixing evenly 3: divide twice adding flo...


Black and red biscuits with dried flowers

It's not that I don't like to make cookies, it's just that they're too high in calories, and I can't resist the temptation to eat a lot of them every time I make them, so I rarely make them.Today's biscuits have improved the recipe by adding two more ingredients: cranberries and black grapefruit, which I call black and red double-isolated, without a lot of sugar, and without a lot of taste.Cookies can indeed be used as a delicious leisure afternoon tea, a weekend afternoon to look at books, taste tea, and eat some ...


Blueberry-scented heart-shaped cookies

The rose blossoms are crushed and added to the soaked water to soften the seawater.
The butter is softened at room t...


Blueberry cookies

Preparation of the dish: low-fat flour 115 grams blueberry dried 35 grams whole egg juice 15 ml butter 65 grams sugar po...


Flower cookies

Recently I like to make biscuits, not like to eat biscuits, mainly biscuits last a long time, not too much waste.I'm addicted to baking, I don't do it for a few days, I want to try it, no one eats it.Hi, there...The next time you put a condition on them, they have to finish these cookies before they can eat, and you know why my dog is so fat.... ...


Grapefruit butter cookies

I haven't baked a cookie in a long time, three years is not long enough...If I hadn't come to Europe and been lonely again, I wouldn't have gone into the kitchen.This cookie is actually an upgraded version of the butter cookie, with raisins, if you want, you can add other ingredients, cranberries, sesame seeds, walnuts, whatever you want, Jo thinks it's totally fine!...
