Soft cupcakes

Prepare the above materials.
Pour corn oil into a non-sticky pot.
Turn off the stove after micro-firing


Honey cake

The protein always looks like this.
The white sugar continues to beat.
Continue to beat the egg yolk, then boil ...


Waterless honey cake

Gratitude is the foundation of love and goodness, and although we can't become perfect people, at least with gratitude we can make our lives more beautiful and fulfilling.So move on! Be the one who loves you or loves you!...


Cranberry tea and soft drinks

Dried cranberries add water and cook until the cranberries are fully ripe.
Powder mixed evenly
Added rapeseed oi...


Carrot and lemon cake

It's also the first time I've tried to make a cake with a baking machine, and it's fun and convenient, it used to be that baking cakes should be done in the oven, but now it looks like there's more than one choice!...


Fresh milk

Butter and milk melt, whole egg whites and sugar boil for 8 minutes, mix in low powder and milk butter at once, stir qui...


Summer - Sweet Madeleine

Put the eggs in the pan.
Add sugar and stir evenly.
Add honey and mix evenly
Prepare the lemon pudding, scra...


French crispy cake

Add honey, it's moisturizing, and it smells like honey, and it's delicious.The cake paste has no oil and is not easy to melt.The most important secret to the crispness of the cake is that the cake is coated with a layer of corn oil, and the sprinkled sesame makes the top of the cake crisp. ...


Blueberry filled gingerbread cake

Blueberry sauce represents a small, fresh, spicy cake peel that emits a fragrance, a delicious gingerbread cake that needs to be squeezed with blueberries and spiced with a glass of whole milk in the morning, which is of course delicious....


What is the meaning of the name Madeleine?

The legend of Madeleine, which is by no means unfamiliar to dessert lovers, is briefly retold here (the following text is from the Almighty Baidu): "In 1730, the gourmet King of Poland, Reggus, went into exile in Commerce, and one day his personal chef disappeared while playing with dessert".In a hurry, a maid temporarily roasted her favorite little heart on top of it, and it turned out to be very pleasing to Regusensky, so he named this little heart after the maid - Madeleine. ...


The cranberry cake

Just eggs and sugar for the baby....


The mini cake.

