Meat packages

Stay home on weekends and prepare yourself for Monday's breakfast.I used to love to eat meatballs when I was in school, but now I have a bread maker and an oven, so I can make them myself.Since the meat is roasted as a snack, it is more crisp, so the filling for the bread is more salty and dry.It's hot this morning, and it feels good....


Black sesame seeds

It's easy and delicious. ...


Cow horn bread

I've always wanted to make bread, but it's always been a problem.Because making bread is like making dough, fermenting... a person with a child always feels that he has no time, the child is small and sticks to me.Just wait for her to fall asleep before you start working.Finally, on a leisurely weekend morning, because I got up a little early, I thought I'd make a loaf of bread! ...


Spinach and tomatoes

This one comes from a rabbit, and the mold is a 450g toast box, and it's also rotten in their house, and the baking mold in my house is getting more and more clogged....


Cow horns

Mix water, milk, white sugar and stir evenly.
Add flour and yeast to soften the dough until the surface is smooth.


Hokkaido toast with soup

The toast looks like trouble, but it's actually very simple to make, and it's softer to eat.I think it's better to eat with your hands....


The bread.

It's been a long time since I've made bread, it's always a little hard, and after looking at a lot of posts, I found out that it's a problem with the dough, so I tried hard to use the bread machine four times and finally succeeded....


Small bread with cheese and milk

Add flour, milk, sugar, and yeast to the container, stir, mix, seal with a preservative film, refrigerate and refrigerat...


Castor net bread

This bread can also be cut in half and eaten with mashed potatoes or salad dressing, and you can eat whatever you like, whatever you like, and it's a great breakfast....


Sweet potatoes

In this autumn twilight, there are still warm memories of my grandmother, the smell of those turbulent times in my memory, so that all the memories in my memory have a place to live because of the little flower of my grandmother...........


Pumpkin meal pack

Prepare the pumpkin slices
Put the pumpkin in the steamer for about 10 minutes.
Then put it in the cooker and st...


Learning to make frog bags

Prepare all the ingredients listed in the menu.
All ingredients except butter are mixed and kneaded into a dough, af...
