Thousand layers of mango cake

Eggs mixed with sugar powder
Pour into the milk
Screening for low dust
Butter is melted into a liquid and ad...


Mini yogurt and cheese cakes

This cake is miniature, made as a snack for my daughter after school.So I used a silicone mold from Curly.One by one, give the children something to eat and have fun. ...


Purple pearl mango cake

Yesterday was my grandfather's birthday, and these two children of September are very happy.No, I made another love-filled cream cake for my boss.Here's a thank you for the prize from the platform, and I'm going to finish the baking.Because I love this dessert, and I enjoyed the whole process.When this cake was finished yesterday, my dad said, "Well, the color hasn't improved, but compared to what you can see in the video, it's a little soft, it doesn't look strong".Well, a little bit of progress and I'll be happy,...


Blueberry and jam cake rolls

"All this time, the cake was baked in the grill and eaten, and it was rolled once, but it wasn't rolled well, so let's do it again."This time it worked.Although the roll is not very beautiful, next time I remember, the first step out of the roll is not to roll too wide.Add more blueberry jam and eat well.Sweet and sour jam, scented cake, delicious.Ingredients: low-flour 60 grams of boiled eggs 4 pieces of boiled corn starch 15 grams of boiled white sugar 75 grams of boiled pure cow's milk 60 grams of ingredients: w...


Little feet of meatballs

I remember when my baby was born, he was so white, so fat, so cute, and now that he's growing up, he's getting bigger and bigger, and now that I love baking, I've also made a lot of bread, and this bread is a special kind of bread made from coarse grains made from pumpkin rice porridge, and the little guy loves it!...


Cup and paper cake

I like the sweetness of the cake with the cream, and the cute paper cup cake is more to increase the appetite, not only the appearance is small and cute, the variety is abundant, the creativity is full, the taste is sweet and delicious, it makes people want to eat. ...


Paper cups and cakes

Soft and sweet...


Apple cake

Apple cake, I've always been a little afraid to make this cake, I feel that this cake is heavy oil and heavy sugar (fear of long meat meat) when baking it's already dark, the whole apple cake is photographed when the light is too dark, it's photographed rather ugly, this cake completely breaks your usual definition of cake, without a fancy appearance, but with a rich content.My sister's square is a 10-inch mold, I only have an eight-inch mold, so I changed the square a little bit, reduced the butter and sugar a lit...


Tomato cake rolls

With pure natural curry powder and matcha powder dyes, nutritional health without additives, a beautiful red tomato pattern, jump on the cake roll, do you have the idea to eat one right away!...


Honey bean cake

Preparation of raw materials
Protein egg yolks are placed separately in a clean large bowl.
Egg yolk and corn oi...


Steamed cake

I've seen a lot of steamed cake squares, my hands are itchy, I've been thinking about it for a while, I've been working on it, although it tastes good, but there are also many shortcomings, it needs to be improved. ...


Sponge cake

The first time I made a sponge, it wasn't very successful, it shrunk a little bit, it cracked!...
