The wind blows.

It's an eight-inch cake! Isn't the surface more beautiful with the flowers? Try it yourself!...


Cake of the wind

Learn to make cakes, start with the basics, it's the first time I've made it, and with this experience, I'm sure I'll make it even more perfect next time!...


Cake with purple potatoes

The purple potato is separated from the water by steaming and the mud is sifted as a backup (it can also be sifted with ...


Bath dolls with whipped cream

Cream is the shaper of the wind, with it you can be creative! And the friend of the zero flower base encounters cream, but it's a tricky thing! Today this is the most suitable for those of you who like cream but are not good at flowers, try it!...


Cake of the wind

The second time I made a six-inch cake, it finally worked, and I wrote the recipe, hoping it would be useful to everyone....


Yoghurt and cranberries

The softness of the cake is combined with the sweetness of the cranberry, the taste is sweet and sour, very suitable for summer consumption. ...


Cakes and pastries

I've made a lot of cakes before, but the most impressive was the first two times, there were a lot of problems, like the waist, the roof collapsed, the outside was stained, the inside was still alive, it was really sad, I didn't know how to solve my failure, crying, wanting to fail, the recipe for the all-powerful cake - the sweet cake that no one eats.Rejected.BUT it's hard to fail, it's hard to fail, it's hard to fail, it's hard to fail, it's hard to fail, it's hard to fail, it's hard to fail, it's hard to fail, ...


Cheese and cakes

Preparation of materials
Egg whites separated, egg yolks plus 16 grams of white sugar!
Eggs to evenly pale yello...


Thousand-leaf clover

It's the first time I've made it! It's delicious with homemade fresh orange jam, you should try it too!...


Cake with rose petals

The faint scent of roses haunts my mouth, giving me a different feeling... ...


Blue Ribbon College friendly cake

3 eggs in two clean, waterless basins.
The protein is cooked and added to the lemon juice (or a few drops of white r...


Yoghurt and yogurt

It's been a long time since I've made a cake, and lately everyone's been making it, and it's making my hands itchy.I made a six-inch yogurt stew today. ...
