Whole wheat bread

Cornbread usually evolved from French long stick bread, cutting long striped dough into a small piece of dough, hence the name cornbread because the dough is shaped like cornbread.It is made from whole wheat flour in the same way as ordinary bread, of course, according to the taste of the individual, the filling is added, the finished product is baked, like yellow clarified wheat flour, the next piece is eaten very conveniently, chewing whole wheat noodles, its pleasure melts. ...


Purple bread

In fact, it's a substitute for the mashed potatoes in the potato bread.Purple potatoes are undoubtedly one of the most popular dark-colored foods.The good thing about it is that it's dark purple.However, purple potatoes contain less water, have a slightly heavier starch content than red potatoes, and are much more palatable than red potatoes, regardless of whether they are steamed or fried.Even though it tastes good, it doesn't taste good, it's hard to be impressed, what's the point? A bunch of purple potatoes, eve...


Purple heart bread

There's a little bit of purple left over.I noticed some potatoes lying in the vegetable basket.I've never been on stage with my family, but I've always been on stage with my family.It's better to have them in the same bread, potatoes for the skin, purple potatoes for the filling.Until the day the potatoes are cooked, leave a small piece.It's just that, why is the potato meat white today instead of bright yellow?From potatoes to purple potatoes, to two potatoes, it's easy to cook, purple heart potato bread comes out...


Lamb bread

On the first day of the new year in 2015, she went to drawing lessons with her children.This time the theme is handmade sheep, and when we went,The older kids weren't quite done yet, and the three-dimensional sheep looked beautiful, and of course the kids were instantly attracted to it.The drawing lessons are always unexpected, and the children are always full of expectations.The children of the lower class do not make stereoscopic sheep, but they also have to cut the sheep by cutting.The drawing teacher has a uniq...


Bread with bones

The knife of the baking machine in the house is missing, and because the double-twelfth and double-twelfth have lost too much silver, they are reluctant to buy a new baking machine, and recently they have only been able to do it by hand.In the northern winter, because of the insufficient temperature, the dough takes a long time to ferment.Recently, I found a good way to put a hot pot underneath the dough, which greatly reduces the time it takes to ferment. ...


Black diamond bags

It tastes good, it's easy to make, and it's healthy....


Whole wheat toast

Whole wheat flour is a natural source of water-soluble dietary fiber.It can lower cholesterol and control blood sugar.2. It is fat-free, low in calories, and rich in complex carbohydrates.It contains a large amount of B vitamins, E vitamins, potassium and iron, etc. It is the best food for maintaining a slim body.The B vitamins contained in whole wheat have some preventive and dietary effects on foot and mouth disease and various skin diseases. ...


Red tea and dried grape juice

Compared to the legal stick, the soft European organization is delicate, rich in materials, and belongs to the higher-quality European package.I added black tea, proper red sugar and raisins to make it taste richer.In fact, the nutritional value of tea consists of both water-soluble and lipid-soluble parts, the latter of which is insoluble in water, no matter how many times it is drunk, it will always remain in the tea.Therefore, only drinking tea can better absorb the nutrients of tea leaves.Red tea is good for th...


Whole wheat flour

All materials except butter are put into the packing barrel, start the kneading procedure, and continue the kneading pro...


Fat cat bread

All materials except butter are placed in the bread bowl in the order of liquid to solid.
Start the dough process by...


Onion and sesame seeds

All materials except butter are weighed and placed in the bread barrel, the dough process is started and the dough is sm...


Birthday bread

On the way to make the bread, I met my husband's birthday, so I made this birthday bread for my husband, wishing him a happy birthday! This bread uses two doughs, A is the main bread embryo, B is the decorative dough. ...
