Chocolate almond cheese cake

All powdered materials are mixed and sifted twice, and the sweet almond is dried and cut into small pieces.
The butt...


Cinnamon toast

In baking, the term is used to describe the heating of flour with water on a gas stove to produce a paste, or the addition of hot water to the flour to make it paste. The biggest difference is that the paste increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which delays aging, and is thinner and more refreshing than conventional bread....


Polish purple toast

Polish material mixed to no dry powder, covered with preservative film refrigerated my overnight 12h
Polish and main...


Cinnamon rolls

This bread is high in fat, high in sugar, high in calories, and friends who are losing weight should eat it carefully.I don't like cinnamon, but to make bread is so high in fat, the smell is imaginable, the key is the sugar, take a bite, the sauce sounds, I just love the taste.Six plates are too crowded, but I'm worried that the two plates will be uneven, so don't worry about what you sell, good food is the way to go.Besides, it's not only heavy in taste, it's a bit heavy in appearance. I've seen some cinnamon roll...


Onion and sausage bread

Soup method: pour 50 ml of hot water into 40 g of high powder, stir thoroughly, cool for backup.
The main ingredient...


Rural whole wheat bread

All ingredients except butter are mixed in the main ingredient and kneaded into a smooth, initial-stage dough.
Pour ...


Whole wheat biscuits

This is for the dog..If you want to eat it, it looks delicious....


Yujin tea toast

In baking, the term is used to describe the heating of flour with water on a gas stove to produce a paste of flour, or the addition of hot water to the flour to make it paste. The biggest difference is that the paste of flour increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which delays aging, and is more delicate and refreshing than conventional bread....


The toast of Madagascar's vanilla

In baking, the term is used to describe the heating of flour with water on a gas stove to produce a paste of flour, or the addition of hot water to the flour to make it paste. The biggest difference is that the paste of flour increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which delays aging, and is more delicate and refreshing than conventional bread....


Fruit and vegetable birthday cake

Add the egg yolk to the pan, cut the vanilla pods, scrape the vanilla seeds in, and gently stir evenly.
Add fine sug...
