Meat loaf rolls

This salty bread was seen at a friend's house and was a frequent choice of LG in the bakery, and after tasting it, LG concluded: "It tastes like the bakery".Have a good one!...


Children's caterpillar bread

The caterpillar bread is one of the children's favorite breads, not only because of the shape, but also because the children seem to love to eat the cream stuffed in it.Because it's good to eat, you don't know when you're going to eat a loaf of bread.The caterpillar is not as complicated as you might think, just unravel the steps one by one.It's actually a very easy thing to do.Take a cold vacation and make a cute caterpillar for your child. ...


Sausage rolls and bread

In the children's winter art class, there was a teacher who was very fond of this teacher, and he said how good and how cute this teacher was.So we're having a meal and we see a bunch of things, and he's going to call the bunch teacher, okay?I'll make you some bread, and I'll make you some rolls.Eating bread reminds me of my teacher, who loves art so much that she doesn't want to go to class.The bread is simple, so the kids have to try it.This dough is the size of sixteen. ...


Cheese bread

Suzhou cheese bread has been popular among friends for a long time.Everyone else has done it, but I've been slow to react to this explosive product, and I've used the Chinese method, and my mouth feels softer.Curry cream cheese, it's better to have a drop of cheese... come back and taste it......


The pineapple bag

Every time I go to Hong Kong, my favorite place is this ice and fire double day. ...


Bread machine version of the old toast

The intermediate material is first kneaded into a dough and fermented at room temperature for about three hours until th...


Strawberry jam and bread

It's been more than three years of contact baking, I rarely make bread, it's not that I don't love it, it's just that I'm too sad to knead the dough!...


Old-fashioned whole wheat bread

This is an old-fashioned whole-wheat bread based on the old-fashioned bread, and the whole-wheat content is not high, probably about 16%, and if you like whole-wheat, you can increase the whole-wheat content, and I think 30% to 50% is fine.The higher the whole wheat content, the rougher the taste.I think this bread is very tasty, it tastes very strong, the whole wheat smells very strong, and it's also very nutritious, suitable for relatives who don't like the taste of whole wheat, because the taste of whole wheat i...


Toasted bread in milk

Toast made from medium-sized seeds, although it takes a long time, after several fermentations, the moisture is fully absorbed, the taste is particularly soft, and the lacquer effect is very good. ...


Super wheat bread

Making this bread comes from my own love of small molds, the molds used are small plates for learning to cook, and the name "Super Pills" was chosen by my circle of friends, so many small pills are mixed and it's really super exciting, but seeing the finished product of America I told myself to keep doing it next time......


17 hours of refrigerated toast

17 hours of refrigeration is the basis of the bread master Unicorn's original bread dough, with this method of fermentation, the dough is more easily rubbed out of the membrane, and the dough is strong after fermentation, the baked finished product has a high degree of expansion, the moisture retention is also better, it can be stored for a long time, in my refrigerator, I often put such a piece of dough in the dough, I can always combine other main dough materials according to my taste, make all kinds of bread and...


Cream toast

This recipe is for 450 grams of toast mold, pure hand-mixed dough, 25 minutes of glove film.The yeast can be increased or decreased according to the temperature, the amount can be adjusted according to the temperature, the temperature is high, the amount is low.It's usually two to three percent of the flour, and I use French oatmeal. ...
