Rainbow frozen cheese cake

The digestive cake is wrapped in a fresh-baked bag and crushed with a flour stick.
The butter is heated to a liquid,...


Beware of the doughnut circle

There was an old man who basically didn't eat fried food, and I handed it to her, and she shook her head and said no, so I and Big P flew away most of it.The next day, thinking it was a pity to waste a little leftover, she took a piece and said, don't waste it, take a bite, don't stop, and even say, eat well, haha! Although it's been a night, the outer skin is not fragile, but the inside is still lovely!...


Mango mousse cake

The first time I made a mousse cake, it was so simple, I didn't need an oven, it was just time-consuming, it took six hours to refrigerate!...


Purple potatoes

It sounds like a complicated process, especially when it comes to making it, the process has to be correct; otherwise, it won't be cooked.This Chinese snack is made with vegetable oil, and it doesn't taste like pork oil; it can also be made with sunflower seed oil or peanut oil.Purple potatoes have a beautiful, natural purple color; this type of heart is called a coarse grain heart.Purple potato filling is not very dry to eat, accompanied by a cup of spicy tea; eat one after another...When I didn't do baking before...


Apple pie

Flour, sugar powder, sift into softened butter, grind into rice grains, add warm water three times, mix evenly, not exce...


Coconut milk Swiss cake green tea rolls

Eggs at room temperature
The egg yolk and the white patch won't go away anytime soon.
1. Add oil and stir evenly...


Flowers and flowers

Because I love gingerbread, so how can a trusted oven not bake a gingerbread? Beautiful red, 35L capacity, the effect of...


Cucumbers and sweet potatoes

My favorite corn season is here, and now I'm crazy about making corn-related desserts, and I've made a list in my head, hoping that I'll be able to finish the corn-related desserts (although wanting and doing are two things).I've sent some desserts before, a lot of food reactions are too difficult, too complicated, I thought I'd make the most basic kind of cake, bake it, and then make any cake is not difficult.It's low in fat, and it doesn't feel soft enough to eat, but the thought of fresh meat doesn't make me fee...


Salad and mashed potatoes

Known as the anti-cancer king, the purple potato is not only effective against fatigue, anti-aging, blood replenishment, etc., but also has an addictive appearance.To be honest, I like purple potatoes, first of all for their color, purple, the noble mysterious color, a little melancholy color, the color that makes you forget.I've been wanting to make this purple potato soup for a long time, and I've finally done it, and when I'm making the pie, I've chosen to use a sweet-tasting salad dressing, which tastes really ...


Apple pie

I started eating apples at home, and I had a bad taste in my mouth, so I wanted to make an apple pie.The first time I made it 8 inches, I had to cut it when I ate it, this time I made it small, it's easy to eat.And my pie tastes better with a little bit of salt!...


White sugar cake

1 Pour 2 cups of warm water into a larger container, then pour into the mother, then sift through the rice flour togethe...


Chestnut butter

It is famous for its clear, multi-layered skin, rich flavor, and soft entrance, which is filled with ice and sweetness, suitable for young and old.The content of vitamin C in chestnuts is higher than that of tomatoes, more than a dozen times that of apples, it is a preservative that supplements the treatment of diseases. Chinese medicine believes that chestnuts have a sweet taste, have a nourishing stomach, a healthy spleen, a strong kidney, a strong waist, a healthy blood, a blood thinner, etc. ...
