Toast with vanilla ice cream

Last night I was tired of reading the book, I took a break, I saw a bread maker's manual on the table, I looked at it, I looked at it, I felt like bread is not difficult to make, my heart was hot, my wife went back to work, and the bread maker she bought was lying on the side, before she did what I ate, I should also try it, there is no pure milk in the fridge, and all that's left is a bottle of vanilla ice cream milk....


Fish flower salad bread

Potato slices, steamed for about 15 to 20 minutes until fully cooked.
Remove the potatoes, add a moderate amount of ...


Sesame and coconut soup

Add a little more sesame seeds to the round soup and mix it with coconut oil to make a delicious sesame oatmeal.Well, I think it would look better if the filling was cut on both sides. ...


Haitian white bread

Bread is a breakfast staple, you can make bread one night in advance, heat it up a little on the pan the next day, and then you can have a delicious and time-saving breakfast!...


Walnut and peanut toast

Walnuts are known in the country as the treasures of longevity, and peanuts are also known as the fruits of longevity, both of which have outstanding brain health effects and rich nutritional value, especially for high school students with the strongest mental work, brain replenishment is the most suitable. ...


Red bean sandwiches

In the midst of the enthusiasm of making sesame seeds, I immediately baked a toast of red beans, filled with a lot of red beans, both delicious and healthy, but not available outside....


The pancake.

This is a cake that I made without wasting ingredients after I failed to make a rice pudding cake.If you don't have enough or too much cake, you can use this method to destroy the ingredients.Of course, you can also make muffins directly with this method, and the muffins that are made will definitely make you admire you. I like to make a few in the morning, give them to my children for breakfast, they especially like to eat them. I don't know if the recipe is wrong, everyone has different opinions, or there are pla...


The original bubble

Buffy, you've played three times! The first time wasn't enough time, and shortly after the fire was extinguished, you turned around and collapsed.= The second time, the smoothing didn't work well, the whole bubble exploded, and the surface was still a little roasted. = = The third time, this time it's finally a little bit fulfilling n.n, this is the most original buffalo... ...


Cheese and onions

Hokkaido tofu dough with cheese and onions is delicious....


A bag of blueberry cheese

All materials, except vegetable oils and surface decorative materials, are placed in a large bowl and stirred with a cho...


Corn on the cob

The dough is kneaded to the expansion stage and fermented to twice its size.
Remove the exhaust and let ferment for ...


Red bean meal pack

Red sugar is boiled in water, added to the yeast after heating, added to the cooking oil, (there are no strict rules, it...
