Beef waist pie

Pour vegetable oil into a large pan, heat it, fry the beef, then take it out and put it aside.
Flip your waist in th...


Almond and vegetable salad

After soaking the vegetable slices in ice water, the dried portion is placed in the plate.
After boiling the asparag...


I can make steak.

American steak seasoned with salt and pepper.
Italian cucumber dried slices, cooked mixed dishes
(A small amount...


Chicken wings from New Orleans

The wings are washed, filtered, and placed in a bowl.
The roasted meat is made into a paste by adding an equal amoun...


Fruit cake

Take two clean bowls without water or oil, separate the egg yolk from the protein, add 30 grams of fine sugar to the egg...


Flowers of the milkweed

Cut the vegetables into small pieces and wash them.
Take a pot of hot water, pour it into the flowers, and cook for ...


Roasted chicken breast salad

Red wine vinegar and olive oil in any quantity, but in a ratio of 1:3, 1 part red wine vinegar is added to a moderate am...


Chickpeas and vegetables

Vegetables are processed, onions and garlic are chopped, tomatoes are chopped, carrots and celery are chopped, peppers a...


Mushroom meat sauce

Pork (fat three, thin seven) cut into pieces;6
Add the egg yolk, raw powder, salt and pepper to the mixture;


Ham and onion rolls

Recently, I've been studying baking, and I've unconsciously neglected our traditional Chinese side.China has a long history, diverse tastes, and a wide variety of flavors.Chinese noodles are healthier for the human body compared to high-fat, high-sugar noodles.This ham onion is one of the most common flowers in the north. ...


Thousand layers of meat pie

Add water to the flour and disperse with chopsticks while stirring;
After the dough is kneaded, the dough is boiled ...


Corn on the cob pancakes

Materials: cornstarch flour
Eggs and parsley
Vegetable oil
Remove the leaves from the leaves to wash the roo...
