Cream and coconut paper cupcakes

Protein shipped to hard foam
Scrambled egg yolk, low powder, baking powder, sugar powder, coconut powder and vegetab...


A small cake with milk and honey

I love tea, and I love champagne....


Banana and chocolate muffins

Preparation of materials
Banana preserved in bags pressed into clay
The powdered material is mixed through a sie...


The cranberry yogurt muffin

Put the eggs in a bowl, put them in the yogurt, and beat them evenly.
Then add honey, sugar, vegetable oil, butter, ...


Yoghurt cake

Preparing the food
Egg yolk, low flour, cornstarch, vegetable oil mixed evenly
Sugar and protein sent to the top...


Black and white chocolate mousse

21cake black and white chocolate mousse...The black and white chocolate mousse cake mainly consists of three parts: one is chocolate mousse, the other is white chocolate mousse, and the third is black chocolate mousse.Here's the basic recipe and how to make it....


Muffin cake

Prepare the material, weigh it.
Pour vegetable oil into the milk.
Pour the egg juice into the milk and stir unti...


Purple coconut sauce

I forgot to take a picture.
1. Mix the seeds with white sugar, clarified water, and eggs until fully dissolved.


Crazy little stones

It's very simple, it's cooked, it's hot, it's crispy on the outside, it's soft on the inside, it tastes good!...


Chocolate and banana muffins

When baking this cake, the house is filled with fragrance, and the strong chocolate flavor makes you hungry.This muffin is based on the King's recipe, and I added butter, honey, chocolate beans, and sugar to reduce the amount, and the cake was baked a little thicker than the usual muffin, more suited to my taste.A cup of rose tea satisfies the taste and removes the excess fat, so why give up the taste?...


Japanese cotton cake rolls

Japanese dream cotton cake roll, the best cake roll I've ever made oh~ none of them! Although it's sold in general, but the soft cotton cake has a soft taste combined with the smell of fermented milk, very perfect~~ The cotton cake is made using the egg-shaped method, but without adding any moisture, only adding thick fermented milk to make the cake taste more intense.More characteristically, the amount of flour used in this cake is much lower than that of a typical waterless sponge cake, which is why it has the te...


Super simple and super healthy almond muffins

I had a lot to do today, but I made it to my cousin's birthday.I promised to make him a cake, but I didn't have enough time...The result is a simple, economical, healthy, and child-friendly dessert......
