Unicorn seeds refrigerated for 17 hours - white toast

Let's see if this toast is better the more it's made, haha. ...


Banana carrot paper cup cake cup cake, have a good time

I saw a picture of a banana paper cup cake on the internet, and I thought it was especially cute, and I wanted to make it, and I wanted to make a snack, so I added caramel cream sauce in the middle, and it was very popular!...


Sweet classic chocolate cake

I had a chocolate cake at Starbucks at noon, and when I got home, I made it myself. I used an 8-inch cake mold, and you can adjust the size according to the amount you need to make....


Dried cheese strips

Every bite of the cheese is thick cheese with crispy nuts, tightly flavoured, richly scented, but simple and easy to make. Oh! Even the grill is homemade... I adore myself so much....


Chocolate lava cake

Eggs and egg yolks are mixed evenly with sugar and do not need to be stirred.
Chocolate chopped, added butter, water...


Rosemary honey bean waffles

It's been a long time since I've used this mold, and I'm lazy because it takes a while to make...The other day I made a buffalo for my husband, because I didn't have enough cream to make a buffalo, so today I thought I'd make a buffalo cake with cream for my husband to eat after work.I prefer soft milk, so I add more milk, and the last time I had rosemary honey left in the house, so I added it this time; it tastes very good when eaten, not only with the taste of honeybees, but also with the faint smell of rosemary....


Flower petals and tea mousse cake

I haven't made a birthday cake in a long time, and I've become a little lazy, and I've been able to rely on it, and I've exonerated myself.But because it's my mother's birthday, I can't do it anymore.Every time my mother had a birthday, she would buy gifts, clothes, jewelry, flowers...But she's most satisfied with the birthday cake I made myself, because I'm older, I don't need anything, and my heart is the most important thing.I also know that her struggle, in the end, is to try not to spend as much money as possi...


Lemon protein.

Lemon protein sounds like a sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet, sour-sweet...So this is a very fresh and non-greasy dessert...It's very easy to make this dessert, the eggshells can be mixed quickly and refrigerated in the fridge; after that, I can continue to do what I have to do, and wait until two hours later to start making the lemon stuffing.If you don't like lemon stuffing, you can squeeze it directly into the protein cream and...


Sweet chestnut tea paper cup cake cup cake

I've always felt that chestnuts and matcha are one and the same, and the sweetness of matcha is mixed with the bitterness of matcha.Yoghurt is added to the ingredients to give it a refreshing taste. ...


American chocolate chip cookies

The chocolate is crispy and crispy....


French Apple Tart

A nine-inch tower...


White chocolate cream

The square is modified from the original chocolate cream cream, replacing the dark chocolate with white chocolate, and appropriately reducing the amount of rum.It can be used as a decoration and filling for cakes. This is a picture of a vanilla cup cake from today's autumn tour. ...
