
Each time a tofu machine is used to make a pot of tofu, 100 grams of tofu can be isolated.The beans are used to make pancakes, and the pancakes are greasy and rough to eat.So today I tried to add it to the dough as a medium to make bread... the result was surprising, the bread is very elastic, but does not lose its softness, tears and does not eat the crumbs, with a faint smell of soy sauce.Starting the bread machine in the middle of the night, using the reservation feature, going through seven hours of bread, excl...


Vegetables and berries

In the bowl, put the yeast, the yeast and the salt on opposite sides, and mix!
After mixing evenly, add butter until...


Macadamia nut bread

The ingredients of the soup are mixed, stirred evenly, heated to a paste on a small fire, cooled, covered with a preserv...


Souped coconut bread

Boil 90 grams of milk, turn off the fire, shake for 10 minutes, pour into 18 grams of high powder, stir quickly with a c...


Wheat flour bread

Since I started making bread, I've been making an average of two loaves of bread a week, and I don't have to go out and buy trans-fatty acid bread anymore!...


Coffee bread

This bread is made using the 17-hour refrigeration method in the book Natural Bread Scent, after 17 hours of refrigerated fermentation, the ingredients of the main dough are added, so that the fermentation time of the main dough is correspondingly reduced, and the final fermentation is strong.Bread made using the Chinese method has a strong chewy taste and is relatively moist, has good moisture retention, and does not harden after long storage.The next day, I put it in the fridge for 22 hours, and the next day, I p...


Pineapple bags refrigerated for 17 hours

A lot of people don't want to get into trouble, but they don't want to get into trouble at all, as long as they want to get into trouble one night in advance and put it in the fridge, and the next day it's the same.And the super soft bread is so delicious that you can make twice as much bread at a time and make two or three styles of bread. ...


Corn on the cob

It's not a good idea to do it at home when the weather is hot! To summarize some of the previous failures and share some of the experiences, hopefully it will help. ...


A small meal of cassava bananas

Bananas are my daughter's favorite fruit, but it's more convenient, it tastes better, and it's even better with cassava......


Beans and sandwiches

It is fully functional, with upper tube heating, lower tube heating, upper and lower tube heating, to meet the various n...


A small meal package

My parents, who love to bake, mostly make bread with high-quality flour, but in fact they can make good bread with ordinary flour, I use wheat flour, which is usually used to make bread. ...


Spinach and tomatoes

This one comes from a rabbit, and the mold is a 450g toast box, and it's also rotten in their house, and the baking mold in my house is getting more and more clogged....
