Oatmeal and cheese bread

The sourdough bread is offered to the hard-hit shareholders, and the filling can be decided by them.I'm a cheese controller, and I'm very strict about my calorie intake.And it's basically vegetarian, it's basically not touching red meat (pork, beef, sheep, etc.), so it's more demanding on low-fat, low-fat, low-sugar things.It may not taste like the smell of butter, it's like a butter cookie, it's like a heavy cheese cake, it doesn't go in my house, it's about health and not getting fat.My uploaded recipes are all l...


Honey bread

Do it yourself, know the source of the food! Always rest assured! The finished product is a little hard, a little French bread taste! This time it's a little satisfying! Share it with everyone!...


A healthy low-fat breakfast

Wash the tomatoes into slices, wash the lettuce into slices, peel the eggs into slices, slice the bananas.
Add a lit...


Depp baking recipes and coconut bread

Mix the flour and clear water in material B evenly, heat it to 60 degrees with a small fire, stir continuously, and see ...


Italian nut crackers

The nuts are cooked 150 degrees in advance for 10 minutes and cooled for spare time.
Whole eggs, red sugar, salt, pu...


Two-taste cheesecake

Recently obsessed with making cookies, trying different flavors of cookies...


Margaret's cookies

I haven't made this cookie in a long time, but I made one for a friend today.Margaret's biscuits are small, delicate, crispy, and the entrance is a typical European dessert. ...


Egg whites

Preparation of raw materials
Full eggs and egg yolks in a bowl with sugar
It's enough to draw a clear pattern on...


Walnut cookies

Walnut chopped spare.
After the unsalted cream is softened at room temperature, the softness is restored, and the fi...


Egg whites

I had two eggs left for the toast, and I thought I'd run out of eggs, so I made this simple little cookie.It's not healthy, but it's delicious, and it's good with milk for breakfast. ...


Smoked cookies

Preparing materials
Put two eggs in the batter and spread them evenly.
Add white sugar to the egg yolk, add milk...


Cranberry cookies

Use kitchen scales to prepare the ingredients
The softened butter and sugar powder are stirred evenly, and the egg j...
