The brownie cake.

Stir all the ingredients slowly for 30 seconds.
Mix at medium speed for 2 minutes
Preheat the oven to 180 degree...


Thousand layers of mango cake

"It's been so popular online lately, I just wanted to see what's so great about this newcomer to the cake world... I didn't expect it to be so simple, the craft of pancake fruit."...


Sweet and sour sandwiches

Today I made a candy-hearted sandwich cake, which was the first time I did it successfully, I've tried it before, but it didn't sell well because the mold didn't work well.Because this sweetheart cake, the crispy shell is so thin, it's really hard to see if it's not shaped properly.I got a new mold today, and I can't wait to try it. ...


Chocolate marshmallow cake

All the ingredients are ready to go.
Preheat the butter and chocolate in the pan.
Preheat one side and stir even...


Madeleine's cake

Madeleine cake, also known as Madeleine cake, is not unknown to those who play with baking.This is also my son's favorite cake, after dinner he has to eat several more, he has to pass the exams, every day all the meals are around him, as long as he loves to eat, so that he is physically and mentally happy in every way.It's hard to say these days, this kid's two simulated exams are not the best results, volunteers don't fill out, and if they don't, it affects the child's future.The child's father said to me in the m...


White chocolate and banana cocoa

Recently, I've been passionate about baking with bananas, and I've been thinking about how to make an album with fried bananas.Suddenly thinking that it seems rare to see a cake decorated with bananas, I happened to see Rulu's banana cheese cocoa cake and was inspired, so I decided to take the risk and try it.After thinking about it for a while, I decided to take it easy, and honestly put the bananas on the cake, let's call it a decoration!...


The Swan Bubble

A swan can't be too beautiful to be eaten....


Waterless honey cake

Softly lubricated honey, added to the waterless cake, makes the small cake taste more delicate, fragrant and lubricated, and is more palatable than ordinary sponge cake. ...


Cake of the moon

After mid-autumn, there are many mooncakes left in the house, and they are greasy and sweet, what can you do not eat? Start your brain to make a mooncakes cake! The transformed cake is so delicious, the family who does not eat mooncakes quickly grabs an empty one. ...


Purple leaf bread

This time it's purple potato leaf bag, also known as purple potato braid bread.It's only after I've done it that I realize that it's really beautiful made with purple potatoes.The purple and red of the purple and yellow of the purple and red of the purple and red of the purple and red of the purple and red of the purple. ...


Black sesame seeds

Heat the yeast with warm water.
Mix the sugar flour, eggs, corn oil, milk flour in the yeast water, and then mix the...


Soft bread

Mix all the ingredients except the butter and egg white flour and stir evenly.
After adding the flour to the dough, ...
