Soft pack of garlic

This is one of my favorite loaves of bread, and when the house is full of garlic, I feel happy!...


Onion and sesame biscuits

Preparation of materials;
Add 55 g of yeast to warm water and stir evenly;
Sift into low powder and stir into fl...


Onion and sesame cookies

Salty onion and sesame biscuits, my mother likes to eat these biscuits, she says: they are crispy, they are crispy as long as they are left, and there is not much oil. ...


Homemade tomato and olive pizza

When it comes to pizza, the first thing that comes to mind is the thick pizza filled with cheese and all sorts of ingredients, but it's so high in calories that I'm sure a lot of MMs like me don't dare eat it often.The most common pizza in foreign countries is a very simple pizza with only a few ingredients on a thin cake, because it is relatively low in calories and healthier, it is also the most common pizza made at home.Today I'm going to share with you how to make a homemade pizza, not only is it simple to make...


Delicious cakes made with rice pudding

The flour is mixed with warm water, the eggs are added, the onions, the carrots, the salt, the chicken broth are mixed t...


Butter and garlic bread

I have a lot of friends who like to eat Ali and Ed's garlic bread, it's really good, the outside is soft and the inside is full of garlic, I like this one, I also like to buy one or two from time to time.But most of the people who live at home like me have one problem, they like their bread, no matter how easy it is to buy it outside and how cheap it is to sell it, they always want to make it at home.It's not today, it's out of the oven, it's not out of the oven, it's out of the oven, it's out of the oven, it's out...


White wine and creamy soup

Heat the onion in a hot pan, fry the red onion head, fry it softly, add the black pepper flavor
Butter and flour, sl...


Fresh shrimp fan salad

The fans are cooked in boiling water, pulled out and dipped in ice water, and the dried water is placed in a large bowl....


Thai silver shrimp salad

After the silver ear bubbles, wash it and cut it into small pieces.
Onion slices, onion and celery slices
The sh...


Thai seafood salad

The shrimp is washed and opened; the fresh shellfish is opened; the fresh cod is washed and eaten with a knife, the cod ...


Cake with onions

The mid-autumn vacation is over, because my husband is on duty on the third day of the vacation, and we were planning to play around Xi'an and get in touch with nature.The first day of the holidays was raining, the next day was gloomy, the third day the sky was dark in the morning, and it was not until noon that the feeling of the silky sun came out.If it was just the adults, we would have gone as planned, but due to the safety of the little fat girl, we finally gave up on her.Very helpless, very sorry to give up.....


Sausages and Provençal dishes

Juju doesn't eat sausage very often, mainly because it tastes bad and unhealthy with a bunch of additives that you can buy in the supermarket.And the last time I went to Germany and tasted that raw, healthy-looking, handmade sausage, I couldn't forget it.After two days in the supermarket, I found a German-made sausage that I bought right away, although it's not handmade, it's still much more delicious than the usual sausage, and the juju combines the French Provençal vegetable sauce with a variety of vegetables, wh...
