Flowery sour cheese cake

Mr. has been enjoying eating my improved version of the cake lately, and this time I'm making a tiger skin version with cheese in the ingredients, and it tastes really good.Hopefully you'll like it too, and bring more romantic and warm little surprises to those around you.Or replace cornstarch with wheat flour, which tastes smoother and is more nutritious.It's also very interesting to make a pattern with coffee powder.If you like it, come and try it. ...


Strawberry mousse cake

For the past two years, I've been making my own birthday cake, and I have a lot of strawberries from my relatives, so I've been making strawberry cheesecake for two years in a row.After the frozen strawberries bloom, they automatically turn into strawberry sauce, after being crushed in a cooking machine, they are eaten with the grain of strawberry seeds, and after making a cake, they are full of the aroma of fruit.Canned fruit cake is nothing compared to this.This cake I added very little sugar, 30 grams in the mou...


Birthday cake

It's my kid's birthday! I was wondering if it would make sense for us to start making a cake together! But making a DIY birthday cake is not only time-consuming, but not doing it could ruin it.So I went online and found out that there's an easy way to make a cake, and it's made from pre-mixed cake flour, and it doesn't take much time, and it's fun to make a birthday cake with your kids. ...


"Homemade cakes"

Open the Golden Dragonfish chocolate-flavored pre-mixed cake powder, which contains a package of pre-mixed cake powder a...


The Shuffle

Prepare all the materials.
Milk thistle butter and 5 grams of sugar powder are heated and melted in a small pot.


QQ sugar tiramisu

Because the last time I made tiramisu, I had half of the mascarpone cheese, and I wanted to eat it as soon as possible, so today I made tiramisu again, but the difference is that the surface of the tiramisu is decorated with QQ sugar, which is delicious and beautiful. ...


Cup and paper cake

Learning to bake for more than a month, at first I beat this favorite paper cup but it hasn't worked, I made it well this weekend, not much, I only made four, my friends love to eat, I already know how to make a little more, haha haha~...


The classic heavy cheese cake

Cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake... every time you mention this name that people love and hate, someone always starts trying to hold back the tears that are about to fall from their mouths.Love it because it tastes good.I hate it because of its heat.Many people who are crazy about cheesecake have unknowingly fallen into the cheesecake trap, and maybe at first you thought that cheesecake wasn't your favorite flavor, but it's obviously too early to conclude that, as you taste it over and over again, you'll find tha...


Lemon and almond cakes

The lemon peel is scraped into fine silk and squeezed out about 20 grams of lemon juice for backup.
(If you don't ha...


DIY thick chocolate cake

Ingredients: chocolate cake powder 120 g of coconut butter 60 g of coconut raisins 1 tablespoon (2 eggs + 20 g of honey ...


Chocolate cake with nuts

The butter is softened at room temperature, then stirred, the chocolate is melted, the waterproofing is slowly added to ...


Madeleine shell cake

Scrape the lemon peel, cut it into pieces, mix it with fine sugar, and leave for an hour.
The eggs are then added to...
