My little princess.

The last piece of cheese, and that's the end of the event.Baby series, I love every one of them. ...


The wheat harvest remembers to eat wheat bread

Put the flour powder, an egg yolk, salt, sugar, and yeast into the milling machine, select and do the dough function


Banana bread

Bread body: Banana pressed into clay
Add milk (I used soy milk) to the usual temperature.
Add salt and sugar.


Simple on the outside, pompous on the inside, I'm ugly and tender surprise cinnamon bread

The first ingredient in the bread bible is this surprise cinnamon bread, but I've been studying the recipe for a long time, but I still think it's a recipe for a pound cake, and looking back, the English muffin is also included in the bread bible, maybe the old American classification is different from ours.So, for the time being, I'm in charge of this finished product called bread.I mean, it's the ugliest cake I've ever made, but after tasting it, I think it's worthy of the name, it's simple in appearance, it's ex...


Eggshell toast

This simple, quick, nutritionally balanced toast is the best choice for a working mom to make for her baby's breakfast!...


Tea and cranberry toast

I don't know if you've ever eaten tea powder, except bitter I don't think there's any other taste, but the sour sweetness of the cranberry can be mixed with the bitterness of the tea, breakfast with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice, it's just perfect. ...


Sea bread

Seaweed is a natural seaweed food with a very high nutritional value and can boost immunity.This time, the combination of seaweed and bread, which has a very high nutritional value, is delicious!...


Ham and corn salad sandwiches

For the first time, I tried a homemade sandwich tour, and although the filming technique wasn't very good, the corn salad sandwich was really good and delicious!...


Mini bowel packs

Last week, there was a barbecue in Tian's class, and I made some bread for the kids to eat, and I thought the kids liked ham, so I bought some ham and put it in the bread. ...


Mini bowel packs

Recently, I've been a little reluctant to give up my eight-year-old oven, and although people are still working hard for me, I'm always thinking about replacing it with a new one that combines all the functions.I'm going to use it one last time today, and I'm going to buy a new one for work tomorrow.But at this point, I've decided not to.More functionality for me is just for the face, before the face was never satisfied, today I know, it has nothing to do with the machine, add a small step, perfect dough is not a d...


Quick bread and bread.

This bread is basically an oil-free country bread that doesn't need to be rolled, and it's simple to operate, and it's easy for beginners to operate.Of course, the ingredients are different, and the taste is different, and there's a big difference in the taste between my grandpa and the real Russian grandpa, and I didn't say authentic, but don't rely on the authentic.I don't weigh four or five kilos, I don't have such a big oven at home, I only weigh about two kilos.With the addition of honey red beans, the flavor ...


Flower bread

The dough is mixed into the packing machine in the order of the first liquid, then the powder, and then the yeast.
