Babies eat less sugar and less oil.

Prepare the necessary materials
The eggs and sugar powder are mixed and served until the hair turns white, because i...


Cartoon tree house cake

After mixing the egg yolk with fine sugar and water, add corn oil, stir until the color turns white, sieve into low-stre...


Milk and honey cake

Prepare all ingredients and weigh them.
Put the eggs in a stainless steel bowl with no oil and no water.
Remove ...


Easy to learn cheesecake

Beginners are easy to learn, have a high success rate, and have a good mouth....


The crispy cake

The egg yolk is separated from the protein and the egg yolk is mixed with 15 grams of fine sugar;
Add organic flaxse...


Flower steamed cake

Preparation of materials
Two eggs are cooked whole, cooked until the color fades, not necessarily until the pattern ...


Pumpkin cake

If I don't lose weight in April, I'll be sad for a whole year! But I can't get rid of my appetite... I can eat 10 healthy pumpkin cakes in one breath!...


A little surprise - cranberry cup cake

I haven't touched a cupcake since the last full-egg cupcake recipe came out.Maybe it's because the six-inch mold is too convenient, it's full, it's suitable for lazy people to operate; the cupcake is a small thing that requires one by one, or it requires patience.This time we added cranberries to the cake, and while it's hot, we'll bite into the sweet and sour cranberries, which are a little surprise hidden in the cake....


Malay cake in Hong Kong

Mala cake, English name: Cantonese sponge cake is a traditional wide-ranging tea house snack, originally a favorite food of the Malays in Singapore, originally called Mala cake, later introduced to Hong Kong, Guangdong, and was called Mala cake in the Guangdong dialect.This snack doesn't need an oven, it doesn't need an electric egg breaker, so there's no limit to the tools, I recommend it to everyone.Hong Kong-style mala-cake, also known as old-fashioned mala-cakeThe earliest Gufamara cake was made from a mixture ...


The almond napoleon

A combination of almonds and egg yolk...


A small raisin cake

On the sixth day, I made some small cakes for my brother's three-year-old nephew, and I made them for my children to eat more safely, with the milk and orange juice that the children love.This small cake is made in the same way as a muffin cake, without adding eggs and saving a lot of work. ...


Banana cake

The thick, natural banana flavor pops up as soon as you bite into the cake, and the soft cake, combined with the toughness of the coconut silk, creates a rich flavor that only requires a cup of black coffee to be perfect. ...
