Paris wheel buffets

The Paris Wheel Buffet, also known as the Paris Brest Buffet or Wheel Cake, is said to have been designed by a bakery inspired by the shape of a bicycle wheel during a bicycle race in France in 1891.The more classic method is to fill the bubble with coconut cream and decorate the surface with almonds, of course you can also choose your favorite flavors when making the cream, such as vanilla, coffee, caramel, chocolate, etc.If you don't want to make a filling, filling it with ice cream is also a good option, or add ...


Hokkaido winds

Hokkaido is known as the softest place in the world, and it's true that children's shoes are attracted to its soft and delicate flavor, which is endless....



Butter pre-melted; milk microwave slightly heated with yeast powder; all ingredients mixed and kneaded into dough


The Shuffle

Shuffle, is the French spelling of soufflé.It's a very classic French dessert.The base material made from egg yolk, milk, butter, etc. is mixed with fully cooked egg whites, and the freshly baked curry is very fluffy and light.Some describe it as a delicious taste that melts at the touch of the tongue.When it came out, it was two molds high! Then it would shrink because of the cooling, so I had to hurry to take a picture! Unfortunately, I was washing the dishes at the time..The next time I change the recipe wi...


The basic muffin cake - the vanilla milk muffin

This is a basic muffin that can be derived from a variety of flavors of muffin cake, which can be made with flour dough, dried fruit, raisins, spinach, lemon juice, etc....


Potato puffed swan

This swan puff has been around for a long time, and I've seen a lot of bakers make such beautiful swan puffs, and my heart aches and my hands itch.Even though I've never made a bubble, let alone a bunny shape.The first time I did it, it wasn't perfect, the swan's head and neck were roasted, but after all, it was the first time I tried it, and I felt more satisfied, hoping to do better next time. ...


The cake.

The egg yolk is separated from the egg yolk, and the egg yolk should be contained without oil or water.
Add 40 g of ...


Yoghurt cakes

It tastes like a cheesecake, but it's not greasy.It's a doll for women who can't lose weight and want to eat dessert!...


Luxury strawberry mousse - a cake that doesn't need to be baked

Every year in January and April is the best time to eat strawberries, this is one of the favorite mousses made in the past, seasonal fruit mousses are the most delicious! It is used in a 6-inch square shape, because the fruit is large, so eating more will not feel tired! The surface decoration is very lavish, it is perfect as a birthday cake for a lover!...


The Soufflé

SouffléShuffle! It's really fleeting! I've done the setup of the photo with mental preparation in advance, the result is eye! Look! People have already succeeded in collapsing! But the taste is amazing! You'll fall in love with it after the first bite!...


My favorite is Shuffle.

Do what you love for the people you love. ...


Rice and lemon cake

Butter with white sugar, heated stirring, adding a little oil
Stir until the butter mixes with the white sugar.
