Rainbow heavy cheese

The reference is the recipe for your classic heavy cheese, after several attempts to make small changes, I feel that the taste is more delicate and thick, mainly replacing the milk with light cream, the original recipe in the oven before the dough is very rare, the color is not good to make a rainbow, replace the cream after sending the color is very OK....


The Swan Bubble

Put the eggs in the main ingredient, other ingredients besides low flour in a small pot, boil on low heat.
Pour low,...


A wide-ranging marmalade

Preparing materials
Add the egg whites and milk sugar and stir.
Then pour the powder into the foam and mix it ev...



Egg whites mixed with sugar
Stir the milk, then add the screened powder, stir it, then pour a few drops of lemon jui...


Double thick chocolate muffins

The orange appearance is very bright.
Interior space
Accessories and accessories
For the whole family (the o...


Coconut and pumpkin pie

The weather is getting cold, the heating is not yet fully open, the room is not yet warm, on a winter afternoon, a piece of dessert and a cup of hot tea, giving a warm comfort, a spicy pumpkin pie is the best choice at this time, even if a person is stunned with a cup, seeing a beautiful pumpkin pie will make the mood happy;...


Lékué is a miniature cake.

Twenty-one New lost to Lékué's four-inch Savarin cake mold, so I tried it with the official ingredients, it's good, and it's really easy to get out of the mold, praise a...


Cranberry milk cake

Today I improved the recipe for this cranberry milk cake, and I made it for the first time.I didn't think it would work.What a small joy in the heart.I never thought I'd be able to make a cake. ...


Waffle-protein release

There are several ways to make waffles, and those who don't make protein want to try the flavor of the protein, this flavor of the protein is softer, but both have their own characteristics, it's worth doing, both are easy, my son liked the waffles the first time he saw them....


Grapefruit toast - easy for the lazy

Now one of the reasons my mom wants me to come home is to eat toast, haha haha~ps, little buddy it's better to wait for the toast to get cold and then cut it, like I'm anxious, I'm still hot and cut a few slices, a little dirty~...


Chocolate mousse cake from Squallend

It's a little bit more difficult to operate, it's a lot of factors, and I didn't do it very successfully, and I used def chocolate, probably because of the cocoa fat content, and the mousse is thicker, so it's not very flat and delicate....


Autumn leaf chocolate mousse

Divide the egg sponge cake: put the protein in the filling in a water-free, oil-free bowl, add sugar twice to dry foam, ...
