Apple cake

Apple cake, I've always been a little afraid to make this cake, I feel that this cake is heavy oil and heavy sugar (fear of long meat meat) when baking it's already dark, the whole apple cake is photographed when the light is too dark, it's photographed rather ugly, this cake completely breaks your usual definition of cake, without a fancy appearance, but with a rich content.My sister's square is a 10-inch mold, I only have an eight-inch mold, so I changed the square a little bit, reduced the butter and sugar a lit...


The rose basket cake

Separate the protein from the egg yolk, taking care that the bowl containing the protein is free of water and oil.


Quick apple juice

Apples are washed, peeled, peeled, and cut into small pieces.
Fry it with sugar, soften it a little and then add the...


The apple.

I like applesauce with fruit! I like applesauce with eggs!...


Apple pie

I started eating apples at home, and I had a bad taste in my mouth, so I wanted to make an apple pie.The first time I made it 8 inches, I had to cut it when I ate it, this time I made it small, it's easy to eat.And my pie tastes better with a little bit of salt!...


Apple pie

120 grams of butter, 80 grams of sugar, 360 grams of low-fat flour rubbed into foam in a bowl.
Add two eggs and 60 g...


Apple pie

Wash the apples, peel the seeds, and cut the spare pieces.
Add white cream, apple cider vinegar, white sugar, salt, ...
