Brewing tofu

There's a story behind every dish, I remember when I didn't buy an oven, my mother used to make me fried tofu, fried on both sides with a thin layer of crispy skin, now with an oven, I studied fried tofu, although unlike fried tofu with two crispy skins, fried tofu just brings out the fresh taste of tofu, those with an oven can try it....


Carrots and carrots

Today's last dish is especially suitable for this changing season.Carrots have many benefits such as improving the liver, broadening the intestine, strengthening the spleen, reducing sugar, reducing lipids, and enhancing immune function. Carrots also have the function of increasing the body's immunity against cancer and indirectly killing cancer cells.Because carotenoids are fat-soluble, they are only well absorbed in fats.Therefore, it is best to eat carrots cooked in oil or cooked with meat to ensure that the act...


Japanese fried noodles

It tastes slightly different from the usual fried noodles.The fried sauce is a classic of the Kawasaki flavor - the fried bean sauce, the fried sauce, the dried spicy sauce, the stirred noodles, each bite is tempting, and the more you eat, the more addicted you are.And the sauce is easy to make, and all you have to do is add the meatballs and the soy sauce, and you'll be satisfied.It's easy to make, so you can make it at home....
