Light cream meal pack

All the ingredients are kneaded into a firm clump and continued stirring until the dough is thin.
Covered with a pre...


Let your taste buds go to the sky - cheese bread

It's very popular now, have you ever eaten it? Anyway, we have some micro-businesses here, 10 yuan each, they sell it crazy, try it today, Mom! It tastes great, I really didn't think it would be so good to eat, no wonder everyone's business is so good. ...


People fall in love with pineapples

All of it.
The white bowl contains the ingredients for the bread.
The small glass bowl is made of pineapple skin...


Applesauce and bread

Apples peeled, peeled, peeled, peeled, peeled, peeled, peeled, peeled, peeled, peeled, peeled
It burns on a large fi...


Purple fried chicken

I'm curious to see how the pale purple color appears in the bread.This time the flour is also specially made for bread, high starch flour, only using ordinary squares, the packaging is super soft, my parents love it.The feeling of happiness, the feeling of accomplishment.Although my husband and I only ate three.Because it wasn't done on weekends, and I wasn't at home during the day, I used a thrifty method, and the fermentation time took a little longer: raw flour in the morning, in the kitchen without heating (nor...


Sweet potatoes and cocoa

I've been eating the best bread in my circle of friends for a while now! I'm also picking grass! In the filling I've added red bean sand, Q-soft mashed potatoes filling, wrapped in red bean sand, raisins and walnuts soft sweetness! You can really eat the whole thing in one breath.The first time I made soft European bread, I didn't expect the dough to be mixed until the expansion stage, and the bread was so delicious!...


Cheese bags are a delight to eat

I've never tasted it - I only bought it for my daughter at a cake shop once, and she told me it was too sweet and too tasty, and of course she didn't dare compliment me on the ingredients.Today I made a cheese bag for the first time, it tastes great, it looks complicated, but it's really simple, so let's share it below....


Bread by hand

I've always loved bread, so I finally bought a bread maker.Everything is fine, it's just that my mother is gone, and if she is, she's probably not going to approve of what I'm doing, and she's going to think that her daughter is fine anywhere.Always keep your love in your heart!...


Soft and fragrant - light cream red bean soft bread

Making cakes in the summer, especially those with cream, is a painful task because animal cream is so easy to make.But there are advantages and disadvantages to everything, and now the house is a superb fermentation room, and the time to make bread is almost half of what it used to be, because the fermentation time of the dough is much shorter, and the fermentation rate is very good.To take advantage of this, I made a few more loaves of bread to cope with this hot weather. This loaf of bread is made with light crea...


The temptation of the bread show

The top layer is fresh fruit, cream ice cream and thick chocolate paste, and the bottom is baked golden-yellow bread slices filled with bread crumbs.A whole loaf of bread is like a big surprise gift, best shared with friends, learned to make at home, and definitely the sweetness of the party!...


The morning meat-eaters' favorite is the meat-and-cheese bag.

We have two carnivorous animals in our family, and we don't eat meat every day, and this bread is the "necessary killer" in our family, and it's made in stages, and it's baked in the morning.It's a good day to wake up to the smell of bread in the morning....


Chocolate chip cookies

I like to make some biscuits for my son, when his little snack is safe and reassured, different shapes of biscuits can always bring great interest to the baby, this chocolate biscuit is just finished, the little boy saw it and shouted for it, give it to a hand and sit there and eat it, it's too late to give this little biscuit a little shape must be very popular with children ...
