Cranberry and walnut cake

I made a sponge cake, and I added cranberries and walnuts, which both enriched the taste and increased the nutrition.And it's low in fat, low in sugar, and it's not expensive to eat....


Christmas cakes

It's called a flower ring cake, but it's not that complicated, it's just a cup cake decorated with sugar-covered apricot leaves in the shape of a flower ring.The simple cupcake changed its shape to bring a strong festive atmosphere, only on this day, the two colors red and green can be perfectly combined. ...


What is the name of the city?

On my wedding anniversary, I wanted to make a cake that would express my love, of course it belongs to Tiramisu, but unfortunately my husband went on a business trip and didn't eat it, but I saw the photos, so let's celebrate this special day, thank my husband for his company, thank you for my inclusion, hopefully we will always love each other like this, until we are old, we can also smile together, eat sweet cakes, feel each other's affection!...


The rabbit cake

My husband is a rabbit, and he made a rabbit-shaped birthday cake for my husband's birthday, because it was the first time I tried it, and it seemed like a simple little rabbit had a lot of problems!...


Rainbow cakes

On the last day of 2014, make a beautiful cake.Do as you please.It's just that the six-inch model is back, so turn on the lights.This cake is not ideal because it has a little bit of sediment on the top, because the color is not completely done, because the movement is too big when the film is removed, ... well, none of this affects its deliciousness, I know, the monkey will like it, the monkey will like it, that's enough!...


Car cake

My son is ten years old, the first ten years of his life, it's really important, everyone says that boys like cars, I asked him a few days in advance, to make him a car cake is good or not, the little guy is very happy, when the car is good, he always watches and refuses to leave...


The little tiger cake

I'm going to say that this little tiger is a gift to my father, you won't laugh out loud! My father's majestic life, now retired, but it's really on top of the cute one! So cute is nothing, it's too much, I even used pink to make clothes! My niece said, this is a mother tiger!...


The flower cake is beautiful.

This cake is fancy.It's not for women, it's for women.It's just a ruse.I didn't have a clear idea from the beginning to the end, let alone a concept, and I made a cake out of nothing.It should be a birthday present.I don't know what a cake for a woman should look like.It seems that most women like pink and purple, so choose these two colors.If you want to draw three circles in pink, but the shell is stuck, what's the next step?Surrounded by a circle of waves, and a small hill, on top of which it seems to be possibl...


Fruit and vegetable tower

The story behind this dish: The effectiveness and effects of iron-stick mountain medicine: Mountain medicine sweetness, tranquility, non-toxicity, healthy temperament, replenishment of the lungs, strengthening of the kidneys, benefiting the brain, improving the appearance, anti-aging, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, stimulating harmful substances, regulating metabolism, enhancing immune function, promoting growth, regulating endocrinology, regulating heart and lung function, stimulating the circulatory system, regulating...


8 inch cream cake

The cake is high in calories, but it's less than a birthday, and it always feels like a flaw. ...


Chocolate flour cake

I'm from Inner Mongolia, and I met my husband in Beijing, and even though he doesn't look like much, he still cares about me, he's considerate, he's romantic, he's attached, and he wants me to be his wife (even though his family doesn't want to marry a foreigner).When I was pregnant with my baby, I spent the last two months in the hospital, because the placenta was in the bed for the first six months, and the first thing I saw when I came out of the operating room was my husband, and one of the words that stuck in ...


Snowman flipping cakes

Sugar cake, an art cake originating in England, is currently a popular decoration.It has excellent elasticity and can be shaped into a variety of shapes, which can also be completed with a mold.In order to be more detailed, there are more steps in the making of this snowman, so the part of the cake blade is omitted, because the sugar blade will have a certain weight, as long as you pay attention to choosing a stronger cake blade such as sponge cake. ...
