Bag of sprouted walnuts

The recipe comes from making bread with love and freedom, it's 205 grams of bread flour, no whole wheat flour, then it's red sugar, because I don't have red sugar at home, I use fine sugar, it's 160 grams of water, 50 grams of walnuts.In the process of baking, the smell comes out, the water flows out of the mouth......


Bread and butter

It's an easy-to-make, spicy, delicious little bread that I personally love....


Milk flower wrapping

It's soft and soft, and it's got a great flavor with milk and spices....


The sunflower bread

I've made many kinds of flower bread, but this is my favorite.Large loaves of bread are soft and sweet.This is a pattern I learned in a baking book, and the bread is a crispy bread.After a few experiments, I still preferred the softer bread, so I adjusted the recipe, and at the same time I used the meat pine for the filling, the nutrition of course is a step higher, while the sweetness of the meat pine is combined in the bread, a bite, the taste is long. ...


Cranberry and nut soup

Soft Europe Package has been around for a while now.Soft European bread is a bread that originated in Europe and is suitable for Eastern tastes.The biggest features are nutrition, good eating, low sugar, low fat.It has both the nutritional and healthy ingredients of European bread, and the taste of moist soft Q-balls wrapped in the east.In soft Europe, dried fruits and nuts are mainly added to the rich flavor, such as cranberries, raisins, and walnuts, which give the bread a sweet flavor and a moderately sour taste...


Coconut cheese bread

Take a picture of the front of the bread maker.
Add all the dough ingredients except butter and yeast in the bread b...


Bread with meat

Put the milk, fine sugar, salt and eggs in the packing machine barrel, then put in the high and low flour, then add the ...


The children's favorite ultra-soft meat and sesame seeds

Or the hot recipe of the goddess of freedom, which is very soft, and it's still soft when it's cold.When we were baking, the house was full of smoke, and we were so hungry that we couldn't wait to get out of the house.Well, it's better to eat it when it's cold.This recipe is really delicious, and it's basically the most popular dessert bread in my house. ...


Soy sauce and chestnut bread.

Oh, the process of making it is a hassle, but the result is great, you can put your own favorite filling in the filling part, such as cassava sauce is also good, if you like it, try it....


Flower jam and sweet bread

All materials except butter are placed in the wrapping machine, started and processed in 15 minutes
Continue to add ...


Castaway packages

All materials except butter are placed in the wrapping machine and processed for 20 minutes.
Add butter and continue...


Coconut pound cake

A square self-assembled, 6x6x18 cm long bar mold...
