German Alkaline Bread

The most common shape of the German alkaline water bag is a knot, which is said to have been invented by a German priest based on the posture of holding hands in prayer.Bavaria is a very pious Christian nation, and even when you say hello, you don't say, "Good morning", you say, "Hello, God".For the Bavarians, the great pleasure is to sit in the beer garden under the blue clouds, drinking homemade beer and eating Brezel. ...


Black sesame bread

May all children have a good childhood, grow up healthy and happy, and become the backbone of their country. ...


Roasted chicken salad bread

This is the bread that I made after lunch, and the soft bread made from the soup, combined with the smell of chicken and the smell of thick corn salad sauce, made my family's little girl come back after lunch.Scented bread, put it in the microwave, heat it for 10 seconds, then add a cup of milk or soy sauce, use it for breakfast, it's energetic and delicious. ...


Pumpkin toast with face yeast

The face fermentation method is a very old method, when making pasta leave a piece of good dough, let it ferment, the next time this dough is mixed with warm water and mixed into the new material, it can ferment, although the speed is slower, but the effect will be better than yeast flour.It is no exaggeration to say that Chinese food has been the essence of Chinese food for thousands of years. The people eat it as a matter of course, fermented food is nutritious, tastes soft and easy to be absorbed by the intestin...


Mini bowl of bread

The weather forecast says it's going to snow today, and if it's true, it's going to be the first snow of the winter, and the cold weather in the morning makes you want to eat something with calories and energy, even if it's just one person who made this mini sandwich last night....


Golden cheese rolls

After eight years of baking, I bought the most cooking books this year. There are recipes, dessert books, nutrition, and cooking books. I'm looking for food every day, or I'm turning a few pages before I go to bed....


Caterpillar bread

Ham and caterpillar bread, which is very popular with children, is good to look at and eat, and if you have wood, you can eat it....


Sugared milk bread

All the ingredients except the butter are placed in the container, a dough process is started, the dough is kneaded into...


Honey-based crispy bread

Start and surface the procedure until the glove film is fully expanded.
The dough is divided into eight equal parts....


Bacon and cheese packages

The old-fashioned bread of Love and Liberty, which I'm sure all the baking sisters have made, had to be accompanied by the man who created this magical recipe in the first place.Taking a deep breath into the bread, the typical sour taste of the old-fashioned bread immediately filled the entire nasal cavity, and was transmitted to the brain cells at the fastest speed, so that the mouthful brain cells of the uncles shouted in unison: "Thank you, this is the taste of the bread I loved to eat when I was a child!"When I...


Salad bags

The conditions at home were not good, and the goods in the market were not as abundant as they are now.One of the things that my mother and I enjoyed most in life was going to Changsha on the weekends to buy two hot pineapple bags that had just come out of the oven.In my little heart, Rosa's pineapple bag was the best food in the world.Later, when Rosa came out with this salad meat loaf, pineapple loaf was replaced by pineapple loaf.Until now, no matter how many varieties of bread have appeared on the market, in my...


What is the name of the city?

The ready-to-dry yeast is first activated by soaking it with some warm milk and mixing all the ingredients of A.
