Cheese and cream cake

If you make cream cake in the summer, you have to keep the room temperature below 25 degrees with air conditioning, wear gloves, move quickly, and from time to time put it in the refrigerator to cool for a while.But it's much better to use cream to make flowers, because the process of making flowers can be reused, not because it gets rough and can't be used.Soft can be refrigerated for a while, winning can be heated in warm water, soft and hard can be controlled.I still love to add cream to cheese, and the sour tas...


Low-fat red date cake

Red date sugar has always been a staple in the home, it is good for the elderly and children, it replenishes blood and iron."Low-fat red date cake is a full blend of red date and red sugar, low fat and healthy, when I first started making this cake I was also worried that it would be too hard to bake, unexpectedly very soft and delicate."The baby likes it very much.A few small cakes and a cup of yogurt for breakfast are also very good.Don't forget to prepare a plate of low-fat desserts for your family on this famil...


The original Madeleine cake

Madeleine's cake is a lovely little cake, it's amazing to see its belly in the oven, when you take it out of the oven and flip it over, it's even more lovely to see the shape of the round shell, bite a thick and delicate bite, and have a cup of coffee, I think it must be especially delicious!...


Cake of the tiger

The egg yolk is mixed with 15 grams of coconut sugar and milk.
Sift into low powder mixture
Put the protein in a...


Chocolate cake

Preheat the oven, pour the egg dough into the oven and flatten it, 170 degrees 12-15 minutes.
Fillings: Light cream ...


Cake from the West

This is a very, very good cake, very fresh, delicious, with yogurt and so on, when breakfast is a very good choice, everyone comes to try it.Storage: refrigerated 3 days production time: 120 minutes finished product: 8 inch chimney production difficulty: three stars use tools: electric egg breaker, large one silicone scraper, 8 inch straight chimney mold, de-molding knife, egg breaking bowl...


Cake with black sesame seeds

Preparation materials: protein egg yolk separation, low flour, wheat flour mixed with sieve.
Put the milk, the butte...


The pink dessert table

Spring is getting closer, and the sun is getting brighter every day.The holidays are coming, and lazy afternoons always want to have a sweet space for themselves and their families.I used to love all kinds of desserts, and I always thought that desserts full of all kinds of cakes, puddings, and macaroons were what tempted me.During the holidays, I was trying to make a family dessert table, mainly with flowery cream cake, baking powder, blue sugar, cupcakes, dream macaroons, cream cheese pudding, etc. In the warm af...


A thousand layers of strawberry cake

Eggs and sugar dispersed
Added milk
Low-powder and starch screening
After 20 minutes, strain and add melted ...


Steamed egg head cake

Ready to be used by those who need it.
A mixture of low-fat flour and baked goods
Scattered eggs
Add white s...


The dream paper cup cake

A lot of girls dreamed of Barbie when they were kids, and their friends used to talk about Barbie, and they always remembered the paper cup cake inside, and today I made a simple and fun paper cup cake, which is perfect for every girl's dream idea, just like the pumpkin carriage and Cinderella, the little princesses will love it, too....


Rose sauce and sugar cake

This sugar-sweetened cake, I added handmade rose petals to the ordinary sponge cake embryo, and ate it with a faint rose freshness in my mouth. ...
