Yoghurt and yogurt

Separate the egg yolk and mix the yogurt with the egg yolk at room temperature.
Add two tablespoons of oil and two t...


Pumpkin spiced almond cocoa cup cake - second-hand Starbucks

After watching it for two seasons, I couldn't help but search for the recipe for a paper cup cake, the recipe of the De Nunn sisters has always been reliable, this pumpkin spice paper cup cake is a limited-edition dessert from Starbucks in the United States, known as the second-to-last Starbucks, after my next change, it's still very yummy....


Lemon and marshmallow cake

Yesterday I bought two packs of cake powder at Union Supermarket, and when I opened them, there were two small packages inside, and there were also nine small paper cups for the cake, and today I made a lemon-flavored muffin cake with cake powder and paper cups....


Wedding cake with sugar and paper cups

This is a wedding paper cup cake chosen by the guests, red and white theme, and I also tied beautiful butterflies on each paper cup cake, with diamonds in the middle, haha flash flash!...


What is the name of the city?

The person who eats tiramisu says: "Then you can also do the troublesome West Point!! The so-called meeting people are not difficult, those who do not, do anything, there must be a way".If you know the best way to do something, then you'll feel good about it and it won't be difficult at all.And as the so-called skilled are skilled, the skilled can produce skillful methods.I remember the first time I baked, I looked at the simplest muffin square and I felt dizzy, I felt what the ingredient step was really trouble, I...


Cake rolls with meatballs

Separate the egg protein from the egg yolk.
The egg yolk and fine sugar are mixed and sent to the egg beater until t...


Yoghurt frozen cheese

6 inches...


The durian cake

The first step is to separate the protein from the egg yolk and put it in a container without water or oil.
Pour 25 ...


Lovely bread.

First, all the raw materials are ready for use.
The raw materials (except butter) are placed in the milling pot and ...


What is the meaning of the name "Tiramisu"?

This is a tiramisu to celebrate my husband's 9th wedding anniversary, and I hope you like it....


Rice cakes and cakes

If you can learn this method of making cakes with an electric rice cooker, then you can easily make more cake dishes, such as red date cake, fruit cake, hurry up and try it....


Tea and honey bean cream cake

I've always wanted to make a fresh and unique birthday cake, I didn't know what to make to look good and fresh, not to fall into the stereotype, and finally I made this tea bean cream cake, because I've always hated the taste of tea bean, the cake embryo did not add tea bean powder, the use of tea bean cake embryo, the soft tea bean combined with fresh tea and sweet red beans, just exploded...
