Cranberry soft bread

A new product developed for the American Cranberry Market Association by Mr. Cao Jianqing, the pioneer of Chinese candy, hurry up and follow the master to make a cranberry soft European bread to give to his/her/their loved ones. ...


Bread in the Gulhof

The shape of this small bread is unique and beautiful, it is a crown shape made of a hollow spiral-shaped mold, making it look like you have to love it, and it tastes soft and rich in layers.Its name, I've looked at a lot of sources, it's called Fadodo! The Chinese pronunciation is also varied, Goo Goo Hoof Goo Goo Hoof ... I still like to call it Goo Hoof .Kouglof, which originated in Austria but is also native to Alsace, France, is written on the blue ribbon.The name is derived from German, meaning to make bread ...


Bread with meatballs

I don't remember how many times I've made this bread, but I prefer this one with meat in it, and I'm a carnivore. It's hard to get up so early, let me do it with you!...


Red sugar nuts

Place all the ingredients in the cooking machine until the surface is smooth and then ferment at room temperature or in ...


Lovely bread.

First, all the raw materials are ready for use.
The raw materials (except butter) are placed in the milling pot and ...
