Whole wheat almond cream biscuits

Butter is softened at room temperature and sugar powder is added.
It's a slightly whiter color.
The eggs are pre...


Rose cookies

Today, November 11th, the 11th of November, is another holiday that has been ignored by the businessmen: the bachelor's day! Haha, we are not single, but we can also come and have fun, go for a walk, and contribute a little money, although it is a rainy day, today the mood is happy! Since the mood is happy, I do not go home at noon and do not rest, directly make such a bright rose that represents love, before the end of the bachelor's day, give it to all the friends who are currently single but will soon not be sin...


Cheese crisps

Today is a public holiday in Singapore, and last night I was thinking about how to satisfy my husband's demand for cheese toast....


Cinnamon cookies

That's what I saw in the book....


Rose cookies

All the materials
After the butter is softened at room temperature, add the young sugar, use the egg beater to add t...


It's not like I don't know what I'm doing.

I've been playing with it for a year, and it's something I haven't touched until now, and I've been sticking to it, and I've been making some natural ingredients without additives for my family to eat, and it's easy to make, and it's very pleasant in shape, and it's very popular with my friends and children. ...


Happy Squirrel Cookies through Childhood

It's a little strange, lately there's been a little bit of mysterious loss in my heart, why don't I bother? In the impression, beautiful women, always have a little bit of sadness, don't fall into the mold, like fairies... and I, but I've been soaking in flour all day, thinking about all kinds of baking things, it seems that there's a woman who doesn't have a heart, no lungs, no emotions....


Happy squirrel biscuits through childhood - the Shan family

After softening the raw dough with 1 tablespoon of butter, add the sugar powder to stir evenly, then add the light cream...


Strawberry glass heart cookies

This little biscuit light is to see will melt my teenage heart oh, pinkish color, with strawberry sour sour sweet taste, call it teenage glass heart let's smell sweet, how can you refuse it...


Flower biscuits

Put corn oil and white sugar together.
After stirring evenly, pour into the egg juice.
Stir evenly.
Low flou...


Strawberry jam and cake

When the strawberries came out, I made some strawberry jam, I made strawberry cake rolls, and I made bread rolls.Now what's left is to make a jam cake! The little cake with the berries and the jam is really good! The smell of the berries with the strawberry jam is so sweet! One bite after another......


The elephant cookie

The first task is to make biscuits.By studying carefully, feeling Marlin's elephant biscuits, the kids and I both loved them.It's a cookie that doesn't need a mold, but it's beautiful and delicious, and it's perfect for a little snack in the summer.I changed it to olive oil instead of butter, which is perfect for beginners.Thank you for your support!...
