The popular cheese bags

My toaster doesn't work, so I have to paint it, otherwise I can use it directly....


Banana bread

Add soft butter, add sugar, make it soft and smooth (it's important, so the butter must be softened first) Preheat the o...


Rose bread

Purple potatoes and carrot slices, steamed
Ground into purple potato paste and carrot paste
Take a bowl and pour...


Almond cake

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees
Mix the cream and sugar well.
In turn, add the remaining main ingredients, mix t...


Almond cake

Pour the almonds into the bowl.
Add white sugar;
Add the honey;
Add the butter;
Heating the bowl separat...


It's called a biscuit.

First, preheat the furnace to 180 degrees.
Use a hand-blended blender to blend butter and fine sugar until soft and ...


Oatmeal and coconut cake

After buying back the oven, try the dessert.No low-fiber flour is replaced by spontaneous flour, no fine sugar is replaced by white sugar, and the result is not reliable.The taste is layered, the oatmeal helps digestion, the shape doesn't take much thought, the hand-to-hand party is better than making pancakes. My mother complains that the eggs don't taste strong enough, I want to say that I made oatmeal cake instead of egg cake, and you've eaten six pieces since the afternoon, who says you want to lose weight......


Potato bacon and sesame pie

I'm a little sick today, and I just want to sit quietly in the kitchen and cook something for my family.Suddenly interested in baking, I made this little cookie....


Chopped sesame cake

Fry the sesame seeds, mix the low-flour and self-flour, put in melted butter, add milk three times, add the sesame seeds...


Bacon and salty cookies

Bacon is a processed meat made from pork, such as pork breast, or other parts of pork.In addition to having a pleasant salty taste, it also has a strong smoky aroma.Searching the refrigerator for food, I found the only piece of bacon left in the corner, cooked a little less.I was going to make a savory muffin, but I didn't feel addicted enough, so I should try the biscuits.Every time I try something delicious, it makes me feel good.This time I made bacon salty biscuits, the taste is accompanied by a faint smoky aro...


Beef and pineapple pizza

Speaking of pizza, I've always thought it was high in calories, and I rarely eat it because I'm afraid of being fat.But this pizza, if it's done well, it's really delicious, and I actually still like it.But I haven't had the courage to try it myself, so I bought a huge pineapple the other day, and I was wondering if I should try it, so I bought it to make pizza cheese and came back.It's a pity, I don't know where the problem is, it's obvious that there's a lot of cheese, but I don't understand why there's not a lot...


Double berry yogurt mousse

Digested biscuits and dried cranberries crushed in a cooking machine
Stir with softened butter and crushed biscuits ...
