Red wine dry bread

Mix the dough and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
After removal, it is cut into small pieces and mixed with th...


Handmade toast

Medium ingredients: high starch flour 105 g low starch flour 45 g refined sugar 12 g yeast 3 g water 120 g
Stir even...


Sausage rolls

Put all the basic ingredients except butter, sausage, and sesame seeds into the bread machine, in order: milk, an egg, w...


Food packages

This is a very common hot dog, the groceries are oatmeal and wheat germ 10 grams each, you can also add your own favorite nuts.The usual bread can be cut open from the middle into lettuce, ham squeezed into tomato sauce and salad sauce.Make six at a time, and if you can't finish it, you can seal it in a fresh bag and keep it in the freezer, and you can reheat it the next time you want to eat it. ...


Soup, eggs, and milk

Now I've found that the bread with the soup is really baked, and it tastes good.This recipe is made in two styles, one of which is a beautiful sheep and goat with a reference to the #FaiFaiBeauty pattern, which is really cool!...


Coconut bread, super simple, 100% success rate

The ingredients of the dough are mixed, and the ingredients other than oil and flour are mixed first, then the flour is ...


Whole grain bread

I've been watching people make bread and cakes, I don't dare to come here, I'm embarrassed to say that I've made bread more than a dozen times, because there are no measuring tools, it's all based on experience to make bread, so when I first started making bread, I often failed, but after doing it a few times, I got to know about the water absorption and firmness of the flour, slowly I started to say that it was my way of bread, in the beginning someone at home sent a small oven of 9 liters, I wanted to try to bake...


Sugar-free cheese bread

Since my family doesn't like sweets, I made this bread without sugar or butter.It's soft and salty, and it's good for breakfast with all kinds of jams or ham slices....


One - onion bread

I'd like to make small meals, jam, cheese slices, meatballs, and so on.When I was doing my makeup, I suddenly remembered a news story I had seen once, so I changed it to onion bread.The original text is as follows: The Taipei City Pastry Business Association recently conducted a survey of more than 300 members in the Greater Taipei area, and the results showed that pineapple and onion flowers are considered the most classic, and red bean and cream cheese is the third and fourth.In order to promote the style of brea...


Seaweed stew and rye bread

It can be eaten as a main dish.When you climb the mountain, take three loaves of bread, a pot of water, and have lunch. ...


Tofu bread

I hadn't been able to make bread before, but then I watched American Horror Story 2, and I saw how soft the dough was, and I suddenly realized that handmade bread is basically the process of making bread. ...


Sea cucumber bread rolls

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to try this prayer and appliances and gourmet, I used to have a prayer and appliances hand-held electric egg breaker 938A, I've always thought that the quality of prayer and appliances is very good, that is, when you usually hold it in your hand, your hand will be a little tired.This experimental barrel egg breaker fulfilled my desire to free my hands, and most importantly, this barrel egg breaker can actually have a dough mixing function! It's also very powerful, with a powe...
