Beef soup - baking ingredients

The spinal cord is cut into large pieces.
(It is strongly recommended to buy processed lean meat directly from the s...


Following Sakamoto's lead in making bacon and eggs

This bread combines three sets of bread, meat, and eggs that I have to prepare for my children's breakfast every morning, and now I can sleep for a few more minutes. ...


Bacon and cheese bread

Put the bread in the milk, the eggs, the sugar (here I put the leftover sugar powder).
Put the powder back in.


Pork pie with ginger

I don't know when the hamburger became one of my son's favorite breakfasts, every once in a while he would ask me to make him a few, usually one in the morning, and to take one to study as a snack, the more I make, the better it naturally gets!...


Baby breakfast - toast and cheese rolls

The ingredients are ready to use: toast, eggs, cod liver, cheese, meatloaf, seaweed.
And then you cut the toast with...


Don't use the oven - nostalgic chicken leg bread/post-80's ham belly fried bread

Chicken leg bread is a classic of childhood, children's shoes should all remember, right? Remember when you were in elementary school, they were sold at the school gate, for one or two dollars each.It looks like a chicken leg, but it's only half a ham and half a chicken.But it's still delicious: fried bread embryos, soft taste, and the surprise of ham intestines at the end... That's how easy it is to be satisfied as a child.Now it's hard to find this kind of bread on the streets.It's okay, if you're nostalgic, do i...


Sweet potatoes

Add sugar, milk, salt, flour, yeast, mix for 20 minutes in the bread maker, then add butter and mix for 10 minutes.


Soft bacon and cheese bread

The recipe I learned from Amanda, combined with my own taste, changed a bit.Please refer to Amanda's Manchurian slang....


Fish seed eggs toast

What do you do with a not-so-successful toast, cut it into small pieces, wrap it in eggs, fry it, add a little bit of mushrooms and fish seeds, and it's instantly beautiful and delicate. ...


Sausage rolls

It's a very tasty bread, with sausage, with meatloaf, and a layer of spicy white sesame on the outside, and it smells great when it's half cooked.One of the bakers' daughters ate two, took the rest to school, tasted it herself, and did it again the next day. ...


White bread

White baked bread, mainly controlling the temperature of baking and the placement of materials Unlike sweet bread, it tastes clear and soft. ...


Chestnuts and tomatoes

I'm very happy that the baker's version of fresh milk tofu got a lot of likes from my friends the other day.Many of my friends have told me that they have successfully made a soft bread machine version of bread, and this news is my biggest encouragement, so today we continue to play dough and enjoy the joy of baking.Autumn is the most delicious season for chestnuts, this sweet and nutritious little fruit I can't get enough of, mixed with the last cooked chestnut filling and bought back sugar fried chestnuts to make...
