Double flavoured pumpkin flip bags

Regarding honey beans, you can choose red beans, white beans, black beans, black beans, black beans, black beans, black beans, black beans, black beans, black beans, black beans, black beans, black beans....


Cabbage boxes

Eggs scattered, fried, shoveled into small pieces; tofu dried, chopped; leeks washed, chopped; powder cooked, dried, and...


Colorful tofu fan bags

Yesterday I didn't bring my lunch, so I went to a nearby restaurant and bought two bags of beans, one for two dollars, two fillings, one with radish silk and one with eggplant, and after eating the two bags, I felt very worthless, I felt like returning to the old society, there was no meat in the bag, no oil and no water.The only harvest is the desire of my baggage.In the morning, I sent my son back to the vegetable market to buy 10 dollars' worth of peanut butter, 2 dollars' worth of tofu, radishes made at home, a...


Cinnamon and cinnamon

Keep the juice, don't spill the juice.It is estimated that more than 60% of the vitamins are lost after juicing the cabbage and celery.In order to avoid nutrient loss and waste, the scientific method is: do not spill the squeezed vegetable juice, add the meat to the meat filling little by little while stirring, adding and stirring, the meat filling can evenly absorb the vegetable juice, making it a smooth meat.Then add the dishes to the mixture, wrap the dumplings in such a way that the dumplings do not spill the s...
